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Englisch CS2D Archive - Thread

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alt CS2D Archive - Thread

Super User Off Offline

Dear friends,

I have been working with a new CSS Framework in the past days and since I wish to learn it, I've to come up with some projects that uses it. Now I was browsing UnrealSoftware, when I have seen a reply mentioning

@user abc123: hat geschrieben
every time some feature gets removed, a small piece of my cs2d history goes away.

Since, I want to keep the memories and one of my favorite game in my childhood, I've came up with an idea creating some sort of archive for CS2D.

Now, this would include a few important things, including the older version of CS2Ds. There are a ton on the internet, but I don't trust in places like 4Shared and Mediafire, as they might gets removed. There was before a site, which had these, however, this was hosted on 000webhost and it's no longer available.

I wanted to find all possible versions, so I made some progress.

Because of it, I wanted to highlight also the most big features in each specific version, so when someone feels like:

• Do you want to play the first CS2D Max version, or the oldest, which still works on the latest operating systems can do.
• Do you want to play the CS2D with Physics in 4 years?

No problem, you are covered. I have all the most recent versions and I am going to keep it always updated.

Here is a few screenshots of the versions I do have, the very most of these, also includes MacOS, Linux and Dedicated Servers, in case you need.


(don't mind the first Steam release, I had some issues with the layout and it caused the text appear on the wrong spot, the real first Steam release is

This is just a very early version, how the site would look.
But you can see my idea.

I am looking for some suggestions on what else, could I put there, other than older versions.

Also, in case you just want to spread negative replies, please don't even start, I also just do this for learning purposes, I just looking for some helpful people, that's all.
1× editiert, zuletzt 05.08.23 10:28:32

alt Re: CS2D Archive - Thread

Admin Off Offline

Looks nice but it really doesn't happen often that features get removed.

Even Physics has not been removed. I only removed the checkbox from the UI. So if you like broken stuff you can still enable it.

• add the release dates to the overview
• add icons for client/server and OS which indicate which versions are available
• the order is weird which makes it harder to read (mean jumps between columns and rows)

alt Re: CS2D Archive - Thread

Super User Off Offline


Yeah, the layout also catches my eye in bad way, so working on that.

I have been also planning adding operation system icons for each versions as well, thanks for noting it though!

The release dates are good idea, will do that


CS2DArchive - Old Versions

So yeah, it's almost ready after a long time, I realized that this project should be out for users. I will add the links shortly, as well finish the website.
3× editiert, zuletzt 06.12.20 18:18:46

alt Re: CS2D Archive - Thread

User Off Offline

Thats really impressive, awesome work. Btw I just realized we didnt have a single update in 2020, what a shame.

alt Re: CS2D Archive - Thread

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user mrc: CS2D wasn't updated in a year.

@user DC is working on S3 while @user SQ is working on a Unity CS2D version.

AKA, no one is currently working on CS2D, and I don't see a massive problem with working on S3 or Unity CS2D.

Actually a Unity version of CS2D that has 90% + support for all the content from the current CS2D would be AMAZING!

But because there's no one working on the current version of CS2D and because there wont be any Unity CS2D or S3 coming out any time soon, for us, plebs, it feels like we're stuck in 2019, because we technically are.

alt Re: CS2D Archive - Thread

User Off Offline

Great project, in my opinion. I sure miss CS2DVersions, mentioned in this thread: thread cs2d Old Version? and a few others from the early 2010s (in case someone wanted to know more specifically what the OP refers to). It even had a "special" section with, for example, the April Fools Day Edition of CS2D Max. Might be something to look for to add to the archive.

alt Re: CS2D Archive - Thread

Super User Off Offline

I would like to present the actual live version after some time (sorry). Please enjoy!

I might add a couple of extra things, the only needs some fix is the dark theme and the mobile menu, the rest is working.

Feel free to report any issues.
3× editiert, zuletzt 19.06.22 16:51:48

alt New Website Upcoming

Super User Off Offline

He-he, I was learning a lot lately with VueJS and I am getting better and better, so decided to remake the CS2DArchive in a brand new look, plus make it dynamic.

You can see some sneak peaks here.

off-topic Site is not live yet


> Features:


I plan to still add a couple of features, such as indicating which versions are somewhat special for X reasons and what version requires dgVoodoo to run on recent operation systems. These are not added yet though.


• Dynamic Uploads and News
• Filtering and Sorting Uploads
• Download counter (though this limits the downloads to a hour per file/os)
• Extras will also includes some very nice files, thanks for @user EngiN33R: I've also added some lost maps from an old release.
• Dedicated Servers (along with the supported game version)
• Some external visitor counter, as I couldn't find a good way to track this, plus it would have require more time to implement it than it worth, it also looks somewhat cool and fits the theme.

alt Re: CS2D Archive - Thread

Admin Off Offline

Very nice! Keep it up!

I wouldn't scale the top navigation links on hover. It looks a bit funky and noisy. An established hyperlink highlight method like color swap or adding an underline would work better in my personal opinion.

Edit: Oh and the downloads don't seem to work for me in Chrome? Is that a known bug?

alt Re: CS2D Archive - Thread

User On Online

Download doesnt work for me as well. Anyway website looks pretty good, its modern. Try to make own visitor counter, you can do it bro))

alt Re: CS2D Archive - Thread

Super User Off Offline

Must be a Vue bug, I swear it worked on localhost, no idea what went wrong, I will check it.

@user Hajt: Visitor counter, oh well, I mean, I can still use Cloudflare, I completely forgot about that. The visitor counter could work, if I would save the visit to the db and put an unique ID in cookies, then if exists, simply does not count it was a visit. Otherwise, not sure what mechanism I could integrate, I really don't want to deal with IP addresses. Leaks and all that, hell no.

Thanks @user DC: means a lot coming from the creator, I will definitely work more on the header. Downloads yeah, seems to be happen to me to, but only on iPhone

UPDATE: Downloads are fixed. (Temp fix)
1× editiert, zuletzt 05.08.23 09:44:16
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