Off Topic Which browser you are using?Poll
Which browser you are using?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
IE (Internet Explorer) by Microsoft | 7.55% (8) | |
Firefox by Mozilla | 50.94% (54) | |
Opera by ??? | 10.38% (11) | |
Safari by Apple | 1.89% (2) | |
Chrome by Google | 27.36% (29) | |
Other | 1.89% (2) |
106 votes cast
my Vote goes to "Other"
I have the newest version of it, 4.0 Beta 5 (the latest stable version being 3.6.9).
MrShock has written
Opera all the way !!
Thank you for copying my expression without quoting it or inventing a new one for you !!
I used Internet Explorer before, but I found it rubbish to use.
You write here 3rd time. Stop spaming
but its too slow in opening
lenz-_- has written
I use Firefox , although it crashesh very often when i watch flash videos..
Thats why you should update to FF 3.6.
Flash plugin will run seperated from firefox.
My favourite browser is of course firefox, because of the addon-feature.