This is basically an open letter request to @
Hey DC. Yesterday the clan |Storm_PL| celebrated its 12th birthday. It's quite awesome that there's such an old clan still around CS2D. Even more incredible if we consider that a good ammount of nowadays players were just born or not even in 2004.
If some people remember, their tag was not |Storm_PL| some time ago. It was pL.s✝orm. That cross was the main reason of that tag existing. It was rather cool i'd say.
Aside of the ✝ symbol, there are other symbols (like ™) which are rather cool and opened new possible nicknames and teamtags varations. If i am correct, those are Unicode.
Now, i dunno why they were removed (may i know why?), but is there any possibility to be reimplemented ? Unless there's incompatibility issues with some home PCs, i dont see a reason not to add them back.
I would really like this as a small gift to this iconic clan, as a pay of respect for something that has honored this game for so long.
Thanks in advance for the response,
csm Just saying,
You could've pmed him about this instead making a thread because he will response to you faster then this thread.. Oh well..lets see what
DC say... Well there's the mention somewhere on these forums that PMing DC should be avoided if possible.
Also i wanted to see opinions from others
Cosmo has written
Also i wanted to see opinions from others

Well then, I agree that this wouldn't be a bad change.
CoSmo has written
Also i wanted to see opinions from others

Then post it in the idea thread and wait for +1's. The idea thread is huge. Not even sure if it would had be seen there. My bad though.
Anyways, waiting for DC
back symbols, good cosmo
D1 User
I remember many years ago all the cheaters using "Special ALT Characters" back in the old CS:2D engine. Running through walls, killing everyone with a laser gun without delay, etc.
For example:
By the way, you can add these symbols into this version, by editing the font, however, nobody else will be able to see it except yourself. I'd love to see some more symbols because it's getting kind of repetetive when it comes to clans like everyone uses the same ones.
Sparty has written
Just saying,
You could've pmed him about this instead making a thread because he will response to you faster then this thread.. Oh well..lets see what
DC say...
He should PM @
DC: if he wants a faster reply, just sayin I tried this ®© Ba£g¢€r¶™
and my name only Ba
Some ppl will make an annoying name and crazy badwords like $f€u,R@d£•n,F@ck
.That why cs2d force not use that name and that symbols. DC Admin
It's correct that PMing me should be avoided. The forum is nearly always the best way to go. Including this case because he wants an open discussion which obviously doesn't work with PMs.
So please to everyone who said that he should PM me: Please stop giving bad advices
The characters in names are very restricted so server admins can more easily kick and ban players. I don't want to change that and I don't see a big advantage in allowing crazy uni code chars in names. Of course it allows you to do fancy stuff but it also allows you to do pretty fucked up stuff. I thought PMing you was the best idea because you'd be alerted about the topic. I apologize @
Excuse my ignorance, but how does that affect server admins?
Most of the serious servers, if not all, already got admin scripts for instakicking/banning players. And kicking banning with rcon is not compromised by nicknames.
After all, i just asked for 2 certain symbols to be readded (the cross and ™), not the whole Unicode symbolism (<~ this saying, as i have no idea if it's possible !)
And if there's a way to take advantage from such character change, it could be acknowledged and fixed accordingly.
Those symbols were present in the past. I havent seen threads discussing problems because of those symbols.
Waiting for your reply @
DC: , but i will respect your decision anyways.
DC has written
The characters in names are very restricted so server admins can more easily kick and ban players.
I thought that admins/moderators were able to kick/ban players with just using the player ID ingame
floria:New to cs2d?huh.There has
banname so admin can ban them with name.
DC said before,there wont be any unicode.If it was implement,the players would spam them. I'm not new at cs2d, atm no one uses banname
because players just change his name and play again in the server, so its kinda useless at this point.
More often administrators use to ban usgn/ip, in a efficient way. D1 User
Untitled has written
I'd love to see some more symbols because it's getting kind of repetetive when it comes to clans like everyone uses the same ones.
Theirs like four active clans in the whole game anyway. Even if there was fifty active clans, there is so many different tags available that ban be used. You just gotta use your head.
For example:
• -=[A41]=- Yakult
• [A41]Yakult
• Allfor1 | Yakult
• {A41} Yakult
• |A41| Yakult
• .::A41::. Yakult
• [AllForOne]Yakult
• [All4One]Yakult
• {All41}Yakult
I can literally go all day. That's just off the top of my head.
Hope I helped.
PS:I Love how the "reviewers" try act like forum "moderators", by telling other users off for going off-topic, etc. When they're the ones that do it, without realising it. I just find it funny, and sad at the same time. edited 2×, last 20.08.16 05:16:56 pm
Admin/mod comment
They actually haven't done that, so your accusations are unfounded. And your policing of their (supposed) behaviour is no better. I find it funny and worrying at the same time. /Engi