
Until July 30, 2020 (15:00 UTC)
Edit: Ended
F1 2018
Edit: Ended
Quake II, free on the Bethesda launcher (you'll need to install the launcher to be able to download the game for free)
Quake III will also be free on August 17th according to Bethesda
Newly released Troy: ATotal War Saga available for only 24 hours on Epic
edited 3×, last 13.08.20 04:55:17 pm
Don't forget to scroll further down for "3 out of 10, EP 3: „Pivot Like A Champion“" (the yellow image)
PS: Enter The Gungeon is for free for a second time now.
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Steam :
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
edited 1×, last 25.08.20 07:54:47 pm
And 3 out of 10, EP 4: „Pivot Like A Champion“
Until 27 Aug 17:00 UTC -
Farcry 3 is also free on Uplay. However, for some reason it's only available on the Chinese store , and you'll need to claim it from mobile. You can access the mobile site from your desktop by pressing ctrl + shift + i on Chrome or ctrl + shift + m on Firefox.
edited 1×, last 01.09.20 06:44:54 pm
Farcry 3 is also free on Uplay.
I needed to do this:

This time including Watch Dogs 2, some football crap and a third thing which looks a bit crazy.
Rocket League free on Epic (when you claim it, you also get a free $10 coupon available until november 1st)
edited 2×, last 23.09.20 07:36:17 pm
Roaler Coaster 3 Tycoon Free2Claim
Both On Epic Games Store
(yes, it's legit and not piracy)