My computer shutdown started during game from a few days ago, I choose the saving mode from power plan(idk english mean). Computer didnt shutdown a few day after saving mode, but my computer shutdown again started. I applied thermal paste to CPU and GPU(i mean graphics card. This may not right), I cleaned the fan with vacuum cleaner. Computer again shutdown after this all clean process. I dont understand it.

Computer shutdown during game
17 replies

My computer shutdown started during game from a few days ago, I choose the saving mode from power plan(idk english mean). Computer didnt shutdown a few day after saving mode, but my computer shutdown again started. I applied thermal paste to CPU and GPU(i mean graphics card. This may not right), I cleaned the fan with vacuum cleaner. Computer again shutdown after this all clean process. I dont understand it.

Make your own power plan.
Max for GPU, less for CPU.
Enable VSync or enable FPS cap.
Most likely it's CPU related issue. What's the model?

The only right place for thermal paste is on top of the CPU (between CPU and CPU cooling unit / fan). And normally there should be something already. So if you apply new thermal paste you should remove the old stuff first otherwise things may become worse.

You applied thermal paste to the GPU?
Where exactly? You shouldn't do that.
The only right place for thermal paste is on top of the CPU (between CPU and CPU cooling unit / fan). And normally there should be something already. So if you apply new thermal paste you should remove the old stuff first otherwise things may become worse.

The only right place for thermal paste is on top of the CPU (between CPU and CPU cooling unit / fan). And normally there should be something already. So if you apply new thermal paste you should remove the old stuff first otherwise things may become worse.
Why not DC? I replaced GPU's thermal paste too, of course only if the brand allows to remove the fans, because otherwise the warranty void, but it can be done and it's as good as for the GPU as you would do for a CPU. There is a specific type of "paste" that you should not apply to GPU for example unless you are professional, but normal paste can go onto the CPU without any issue.

Masea: I tried temp in league of legends and it was 91 temps on performance mode. I saw that and choose the saving mode. It was grow up till 73 temps. I told to tried on performance mode but it was 91 in the 1st minute. I chose the saving mode when i saw that value. Now computer not shutdown on saving mode but i doubt to next days to that. If you have idea to me, please tell me and thank for answer.

Watch a few videos on YouTube covering the related process, pretty sure you are going to find some that will work for you. Or bringing it to the nearest local computer service would also get the job done.

Would never mess with it as an attempt to fix crashes though (if that GPU is used normally without prior modifications like a custom cooling solution).

Computer didnt shutdown a few day after saving mode, but my computer shutdown again started.
Do you have an Intel CPU? I heard this happens due to thermal meltdown with their components.
How old is your PC? It's possible that your power supply is old and is stressed too much by your hardware.
You don't provide too much info, we can only guess what's going on. At this point you can only really try out replacing different parts to try and find the broken part.
2. check temp during playing
3. might be a bad PSU ( Power supply unit) check voltages on +12v +5v and +3.3v


I applied thermal paste again and plugged the ram into another socket 'cause it very close to cpu and gpu cooling pipe(idk this mean). Then I tried and computer shutdown again. AMD Raedon setting came to my mind. I went to graphics card profile in AMD Readon setting and choose the standart mode. Now computer doesnt shutdown in games but this may for now. Very thank you for answer.:) If you have seen a thing please tell me.
btw that kind of protection is stupid for me because hot silica getting not cooled down right might crack

btw that kind of protection is stupid for me because hot silica getting not cooled down right might crack
This is fine. Although the existing energy (heat) will propagate throughout the chip after shutdown, it will not heat up any more. And rapid thermal cycling (too fast cooling down) will actually put more stress on the material.