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Englisch the pain of getting shot

17 Antworten
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alt Re: the pain of getting shot

Admin On Online

okay... just: W - T - F?
are you bored or what? it doesn't make much sense to ask that here. most people here are children. go to a forum for soldiers in afghanistan or something...

alt Re: the pain of getting shot

Night Till Death
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Mod hat geschrieben
umm well, someone have experience here, i dont know maybe, well, if not, just tell me how?

yes i was in the US army in afganistan serving as a medic. And a couple one of my buddys did get shot in the leg. Nothing *Cool,Funny,Happy,Painless* about that. If the bullet comes RIGHT through the body it will hurt less but if it hits a bone the pain is undescribable. All the blood,pain,shock could lead to a heart attack or a shock attack.

alt Re: the pain of getting shot


Also this depends on the calibre of the weapon fired. Thats one point of police enforcment. They are using 9mm guns, which are nearly non effective against a high person unless you directly hit any bones, and even then you couldnt get the result you want. On the other side, if using a .45 calibre hollow point or a simple man-stopping muntion, you could never stand still, on the other side you will have internal bleedings, major fractures and serious organal-damage.

But the army forces are only allowed to use FMJ muniton, which means they bullets are sharp and will just pentrate the traget. with a 5.56 or 7.62 (here it could be a little be dangerous) nato muniton it isnt so much drama...still painfull. But in such a situation you have so much adrenalin in your body, that in some cases you wont even notice it.

alt Re: the pain of getting shot

Maniac from K
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This question is really interesting you?Then we can make threads about "pain of cutting by chainsaw","pain by drinking H2SO4","pain of getting a nail in head".And ask:"Did you have an experience in that?"

alt Re: the pain of getting shot


Why did you create a such useless thread?

dude i am just curious u know what is curious?

If everyone would create a thread for a question just because he is curious...well, you will know what happens.

alt Re: the pain of getting shot

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spf357 hat geschrieben
Why did you create a such useless thread?

dude i am just curious u know what is curious?

If everyone would create a thread for a question just because he is curious...well, you will know what happens.

Well, if we would really care about your demotivating posts telling the users that their posts suck and that they shouldn't post anymore we would have a lot less threads, which would make this forum boring.

alt Re: the pain of getting shot

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Bloodshot hat geschrieben
I think there should be a big thread for simple-answer Q&A's (Like this).

I've heard it was like getting hit with a hammer.

That would be a nice idea.
I've been told it's like all hell released where you got shot.

alt Re: the pain of getting shot


Flacko hat geschrieben
spf357 hat geschrieben
Why did you create a such useless thread?

dude i am just curious u know what is curious?

If everyone would create a thread for a question just because he is curious...well, you will know what happens.

Well, if we would really care about your demotivating posts telling the users that their posts suck and that they shouldn't post anymore we would have a lot less threads, which would make this forum boring.

Well, i think the motivation "quantity before quality" is a little bit crazy, or?

alt Shot.

User Off Offline

The only pain is being shot by someone who is using AIM BOT.

alt Re: the pain of getting shot

User Off Offline

I wonder, if it's more painful to do seppuku, than getting shot.
More painful would definitely be, that the stomach is cut open.×
The point for less painful whereas is, they do it themselves, and can prepare for ultimate hurt.√

I like blades more than guns. Guns are so boring. (But not chainguns)

alt Re: the pain of getting shot

User Off Offline

spf357 hat geschrieben
Why did you create a such useless thread?

dude i am just curious u know what is curious?

If everyone would create a thread for a question just because he is curious...well, you will know what happens.

Uhm this IS the off topic thread ..... I really dont blame this guy im glad he asked so i didnt have to (If i had asked i wouldve been shot myself D=>)

alt Re: the pain of getting shot


Hmm this thread hits bullseye, if you ask me. Why would you want to know the pain? are you saying you're gonna go out somewhere and get yourself shot or what?

Ah well, the answer is simple: the pain is undescribable and getting shot is horrible. End of discussion?

alt Re: the pain of getting shot

BANNED Off Offline

spf357 hat geschrieben
Also this depends on the calibre of the weapon fired. Thats one point of police enforcment. They are using 9mm guns, which are nearly non effective against a high person unless you directly hit any bones, and even then you couldnt get the result you want. On the other side, if using a .45 calibre hollow point or a simple man-stopping muntion, you could never stand still, on the other side you will have internal bleedings, major fractures and serious organal-damage.

But the army forces are only allowed to use FMJ muniton, which means they bullets are sharp and will just pentrate the traget. with a 5.56 or 7.62 (here it could be a little be dangerous) nato muniton it isnt so much drama...still painfull. But in such a situation you have so much adrenalin in your body, that in some cases you wont even notice it.

well i think sometime you dont wont notice it but hight tech terrorist and elite-type soldiers useing 0.336 sniper municions or magnum what can kill with one shot even trought vests. I think its nothing good when you get shoted but i wont to try out what do you feel. I know its hurst but the paint have nothing to do with dead or alive you just survive it and in few days you'll be allright. i would take it easy when i would get shotedwhen you are in panic its hurts more adn when you are ok than its harder to die
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