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Englisch How to afford the life cost in Poland?

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alt Re: How to afford the life cost in Poland?

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Better you could change the title to "How can Polish people live?". Your title is pretty misleading and is misspelled.

Anyway, in my opinion that's not entirely true with what you said that Poles or non-Poles get 200 euros every month. At least not every Pole or foreigner I think so.

alt Re: How to afford the life cost in Poland?

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Some families of 3-7 ppls in Russia gets ~100euro/pm, and they not life, they're survive.

They're no eat meat(or maybe small times)
They're buy items for low prices(low - not all means good, you understand)
They're spend all the money for a house(gas, light, room) and food.
They just job for life.
They just spend all the money for life, not for their own thingy they're want. Just limited possibilties.
/from my example.

alt Re: How to afford the life cost in Poland?

The Gajos
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user lennon hat geschrieben
Peoples in Poland get 200€ a month and how they can life and save money?

I lol'd. Please stop fu*king kidding from Poland! I don't know where you heard it, but in Poland earns at least 1700 zł ~404€.

I'm not poor, because my dad earns at least 2400€. Get the fu*k out with insulting poles.

Tell me how your country earns.

alt Re: How to afford the life cost in Poland?

User Off Offline

I was live in poland and i getting 200euro no more. That was survive too. In India u can get max 100euro..., in Romania 200 euro as well like Poland, in Lithuana...i dont know, can someone told me whats its there minimal pay?

alt Re: How to afford the life cost in Poland?

User On Online

Just because the euro is the "same" everywhere, it's not worth the same everywhere. Especially in some eastern euro countries, you get way more for 1€ than in the west. That means, even though they earn "less", they can buy the same or almost the same with it than we can. Works like a charm, as long as you don't go on holiday in a different country or move there.

alt Re: How to afford the life cost in Poland?

Thug Life
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lennon hat geschrieben
in Romania 200 euro

Dude, have you not something to do than bullshittin' here?
I know that my country is poor, but who da fuk told you that the maximum sum of euros gained here is 200?
For your information, my parents earn together more than 1000 euros every month and they're just working as informaticiens in some corporations. If you work near the capital or another important cities, you'll get a lot of money. The retards, who can't work bcz they decided to leave the school and started to beg money and stuff, doesn't represent the majority of population here (as the lie that all Romanians are gypsies).
Next time, please choose the correct information from Internet and not the lie instead.
And what if those countries are in EU? That doesn't mean that they must be equale. Do you think that the "rich" countries from the Union are equal between them? No
And not all countries adopted the euro as them currency. My country remained with the same currency after joining the EU (and it passed 8 years from that moment; 1 euro = 4,48 RON here).

alt Re: How to afford the life cost in Poland?

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user lennon hat geschrieben
All this countries are in Union

Just because all those countries who are in European Union, that doesn't mean they are same even in the economical way.
Here in Italy, my parents get ~1000€ (sometimes the amount can be higher, sometimes lower).

Although what's the saddest part is, my mum is unemployed, so only my dad is at the work, receiving money and keeping my family intact...

I suggest for you to get your facts straight and research carefully solid infos than simply words thrown in the bin.

alt Re: How to afford the life cost in Poland?

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user lennon hat geschrieben
In Poland they have a contracts call "trash" its when u looking for job by agency, u pay is less than 200€

user Hajt if u never work in u country stop talking like this

user rokeliuxas i have 250£ on building site a week

If you earn 200 euros in Poland - choose unemployment benefits or change a job.
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