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Englisch Account credentials lost

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alt geschlossen Account credentials lost

BANNED Off Offline

Hello, I have a problem with my real account.
I forgot the password and I do not remember the email either.
I had to create this account to ask for help, I played 7 years to cs2d and I need my account for play tournaments.

Account information.
Account: wind2d
ID: 30888
Possible words in the password: -
Possible email: - E-Mail Adresse (nur mit Login sichtbar) -
- E-Mail Adresse (nur mit Login sichtbar) -

It's my account in

I need help, urgently!!

Sorry for creating a new account and also for my English.


EDIT: i deleted the possibles pw for security
1× editiert, zuletzt 12.07.17 18:08:21

alt Re: Account credentials lost

Moderator Off Offline

I could help recover your lost account however this is a very sensitive step which I need people to backup with some evidences if user wind2d it's really yours otherwise you have to stick with your current account.

By the way "Account" is a generic title, I changed it.

alt Re: Account credentials lost

BANNED Off Offline

@user GeoB99:

i have a backup of sys (for check i am wind) but don't work with the new version.
I understand that this is risky, I will try to talk to people to back me up with this problem.
Another solution is that you can send me the email account by pm, I use same passwords in all my accounts.

alt Re: Account credentials lost

User Off Offline

user GeoB99 hat geschrieben
I could help recover your lost account however this is a very sensitive step which I need people to backup with some evidences if user wind2d it's really yours otherwise you have to stick with your current account.

By the way "Account" is a generic title, I changed it.

Yes this guy is really the owner of 30888 USGN, I know him from, it's actual wind.

alt Re: Account credentials lost

Super User Off Offline

user craki123 hat geschrieben
Another solution is that you can send me the email account by pm, I use same passwords in all my accounts.
Login through doesn't need your e-mail address anyway. You are able to log in with only your account name and password. As long as you know what the password is, there is no problem at all.

alt Re: Account credentials lost

BANNED Off Offline

user Masea hat geschrieben
user craki123 hat geschrieben
Another solution is that you can send me the email account by pm, I use same passwords in all my accounts.
Login through doesn't need your e-mail address anyway. You are able to log in with only your account name and password. As long as you know what the password is, there is no problem at all.

I said this solution, to work correctly with the password recoverer that unrealsoftware provides you.
Because maybe i remember the pw of email, then i can recover the account correctly.

alt Re: Account credentials lost

Admin On Online

@user craki123: Last account activity on the website with account user wind2d was over 3 years ago. Impossible to recover for security reasons. That's because many people were hijacking accounts via outdated and expired e-mail accounts. Even if you knew the e-mail you wouldn't be able to use the e-mail recovery option because the account wasn't used for such a long time.
See faq" Ich habe keinen Zugriff auf meine E-Mail und habe mein Passwort verloren! Was jetzt?

Please use your newly created account.

user wind2d hat geschrieben
Another solution is that you can send me the email account by pm, I use same passwords in all my accounts.

What the...
Using the same password everywhere is a HORRIBLE SECURITY PROBLEM! Please change this NOW or you are very likely to run into serious problems!
(also if you use the same password everywhere you should know the password for your account)

alt Re: Account credentials lost

BANNED Off Offline

1- no one know my passwords
2- the pw of account wind2d, is a mix of pw that i use.. then is long..
like 12-14 digits.
3- Very seldom I was active on the page, I was always active in the game.
4- Evidences of activity.
5- Another Evidences.
Previous Name account: Marcelo12 (i put this name because when i created this account, i have 12 years old and my name is Marcelo)
Now, i have 20 years old.
Friends in Account: nikze, abyssus , and 2 more (i dont remember)
1× editiert, zuletzt 12.07.17 20:37:18

alt Re: Account credentials lost

Moderator Off Offline

The case has been now solved. I just told him what's his old E-mail of user wind2d since he couldn't have remembered which E-mail has been used on that account... I'm going to permanently ban user craki123 seeing wind2d has been recovered.


alt Re: Account credentials lost

Moderator Off Offline

I'll add one more comment @user craki123: Having same password in every site is horrible not because someone will "hack" you but because each site has the possibility of being hacked and their databases leaked. You may trust your ability to guard your own password but then you must also trust the ability of protecting it on every site you use it.
I experienced this first hand when Nexus mods got leaked. Luckily, unlike you, most of my passwords are different from one another or variations of each other. Not too secure IMO but better than what you could have if someone gets your password.
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