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English game like cs2d

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moved game like cs2d

User Off Offline

Are there any other games similar to CS2D etc. On a 2D platform but different. I dunno like a DOD2D or a fps 2d game?

old Re: game like cs2d

Admin On Online

no, not by unreal software.
please use the off topic forum for these questions. the projects forum is only for projects by unreal software

thread moved to off topic and title changed ("games." is not a good title for this )

old Re: game like cs2d

User Off Offline

you can play crimsonland,the camera have the same viewport but there are models and campaings and....
just google it

old Re: game like cs2d

User Off Offline

another game that you can try is alien shooter it is a good game and the camera is near like cs2d and it have got much models and weapons just DL it from the search)
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