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English Adventure mode Help

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old closed Adventure mode Help


Hi, I'm normally a modder for stranded, but i've decided to start playing the adventure mode, and I need help! I'm pretty far into the first Island, and I don't know what to do next. I have lots of tools, found the lockpick, tried to burn the "stable" crate (which didn't work), and can't find any way to get off the first Island.

Can anybody help?

old For crusoe

User Off Offline

You found a lockpick. It is good. Get to the stable crate and jump onto it. Put the lockpick in your hand and use it when aiming on the crate. Next you'll have to use the lockpick right way by choicing between left and right cursor till you rich ten. In the crate you will find a starfish, shovel and map.use the map and walk to the marked place on it.Next use the shovel aiming to the ground and you will start digging.Suddenly a pirate will appear. Talk to him.he'll tell you that he needs a parrot. Make a net and catch one. If u have a parrot, deliver it to the pirate.Than he will mark on your map three places with the treasure but watch out! Every treasure is protected by curse. Get the bags to the pirate and take necessary things with you. Get ready to pass to the second island!

old Re: Adventure mode Help

User Off Offline

Well. You are right. I didn't niticed the date.
ps. Where are you from? I mean which country?

old Re: Adventure mode Help


It's strange that U asked bizzl which country he comes from ,I mean,is every 1 here from different parts of the world rather than a definite country?!

old Re: Adventure mode Help


Some of the people on this board live in Germany (probably most, in fact), some live in America or other english speaking countries, and some live in other places.
What you said sounded like you thought everyone here was from America...

old Re: Adventure mode Help

User Off Offline

"Mr. Unrealsoftware", DC, is German and that's why most of the community is German. Bizzl's German too. To find out where a user comes from, you can look up on his profile which language or languages he speaks (if he has made an entry for it).
Strangely enough, many of the Germans also regularly write into the English board, too. Sometimes because they are faster if somebody needs help, sometimes to show off with their English (this is speculation... it's a bit of a status symbol nowadays).
Or because their job is to tell misbehaving users off, like in the cases of DC, Lizard and me
This by the way doesn't mean that everybody you come across here and who makes some mistakes a native speaker wouldn't make is German. We have a whole lot of South Americans, East Europeans... all kinds of scum ;).

Anyway: the problem has been sorted out, so I close this with the usual appeal to post that kind of help requests for the campaign or for basic gameplay into our wonderful cosy welcoming little Newbie Questions Thread. It doesn't hurt, honestly.
edited 1×, last 11.01.08 08:37:31 pm
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