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Englisch A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

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alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

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Builder2-0 hat geschrieben
So hi. And also, how the hell did you email me? And why would you email me? Don't you realize that people usually sign up for things (read; forums\betas\ect) with a JUNK email account?

I clicked on your name to goto profile of you, then clikket on your email address and wolla I could send you an e-mail
Hmm well yes some ppl use an fake email address for spam and so on, and some don't.
I just took the chance, but since you didn't answere I thot that it was a fake or somthing
Why I send you an email, well that should have been writen in the mail

baname hat geschrieben
why dont you (Satis and builder) work together? you dont need to make 2 mods of 1 base. One of you would put the things in the game and make some models etc...
The other one would make models, scripts etc.
So you would faster gain a better result...

Sure Builder2.0 would be a good partner, but I have a littel thing like DC have
I normaly work alone since it's alot easyer to manage stuff
And I don't think that builder and I might have the same idears
Aboud modeling, I have a RLF that is helping me in that direction, since he have modeled for some years now and I'm starting to learn how to model my self

Hope it makes sence Banane


beside, then Builder2.0 allready told in the previus post, that he is starting on Massive Mod 2.0


Well It's time for a littel picture of my recipe Book

The work is progressing and all cooking recipe have been aded to it (I think :S )

Time for beed

2× editiert, zuletzt 10.10.07 23:28:47

alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

User Off Offline

em wops :S

hehe I actualy did look in my dictionarry, but I still typed it wrong :S

Well that will be fixed

Thanks for the info Builder2.0



Okay now the recipe book skould be corected

Time for bead

1× editiert, zuletzt 10.10.07 23:31:28

alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

Mc Leaf
Super User Off Offline

Satis hat geschrieben
Sure Builder2.0 would be a good partner, but I have a littel thing like DC have
I normaly work alone since it's alot easyer to manage stuff

(me, too)

Satis hat geschrieben
Aboud modeling, I have a RLF that is helping me in that direction, since he have modeled for some years now and I'm starting to learn how to model my self

Good guy. How is it said in english...? "That's exactly my way"...?

Satis hat geschrieben
Well It's time for a littel picture of my recipe Book

Very nice! And impressing me.
Satis hat geschrieben
Time for beed

That's right... As everyone can see it...

alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

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Mc Leaf I did a research on the milkshape, and there is alot of tutorials for that one, so I desided to buy it and that book is one of the things that is comming from MS3D from now one

After getting a hang on how the things works, I had no problem in using it

Thanks for the advice aboud MS3D

en littel update on ny work is that I'm coding my new skill "Research" and so far I think i'm aboud 30-50% done with it.
this include the coding for the recipe book and total code lines is: 800 - 900 lines and more is comming



Now I'm finished with the recipe book and added Research skill + Alchemy Skill.

I wont come with the big changelog, since I'm too tired tonight, since I have coded aboud 4-5000 lines in the research script and the Recipe Book, but there will be an update tomorrow.

Well I did take some screenshots, so here they are

Index of Recipe Book. Notethat I have researched all to make the full index

The Cooking page:

The Tools Page:

Now it's time for bead


>> EDIT <

As promished, here is the Latest Build, and the first post is updated to curent.
Read the Latest Build Here

3× editiert, zuletzt 19.10.07 14:44:41

alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

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That Recipe Book thing, is one of those thing i asked DC to put into Stranded 2 before he finished... But he didnt. So now you did it, and just like the way i asked it DC, nice job.

Keep up the good work!
da Falk5T

alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)


Here's a big point. Builders mod is for Gmod 10 (so to the guy who psoted in his, read before you post dumbass). This is gonna be a mod for S2 itself. Two different things.

alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

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Staticwolf hat geschrieben
Here's a big point. Builders mod is for Gmod 10 (so to the guy who psoted in his, read before you post dumbass). This is gonna be a mod for S2 itself. Two different things.

Sry, but I don'T get your point
New World is a fork of builders Massive Mod, which was for Stranded II itself

alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

User Off Offline

New update:
Read it here
First post allso updated.

Staticwolf hat geschrieben
Here's a big point. Builders mod is for Gmod 10 (so to the guy who psoted in his, read before you post dumbass). This is gonna be a mod for S2 itself. Two different things.

I don't get your point in this ?!?
I can't see anyone have postet somthing in this thred that is not conserning my mod: A New World

maby you can clear it up for me

ATT: Falk5T
Thanks for this kind words



I'm working on a research lab in Milkshape3D.
You can see a screenshot of the work so far by going to my forum, or Click Here



My research lab is done and you can see a screenshot here

5× editiert, zuletzt 20.10.07 23:30:41

alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

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Staticwolf hat geschrieben
Here's a big point. Builders mod is for Gmod 10 (so to the guy who psoted in his, read before you post dumbass). This is gonna be a mod for S2 itself. Two different things.

Gotta love confusion! Massive Mod was a mod for Stranded II, it was made by me. It for some reason rapidly gained popularity and now has spawned about ten other mods from the "base code" of Massive Mod, since I stopped working on it due to other things.

When jA_c0p made "Gmod Stranded" (GMS) for Gmod, I began modding that. As such, I'm working on getting some of Massive Mod's functionality into GMS. Hence my mod for GMod.

For the record, I am also in my spare time (if you could say I HAVE spare time, lawl) a personal "Massive Mod 2.0" for Stranded II.

So, to sum up all of this:

-Massive Mod was made by me and was an extremely popular Stranded II mod.
-Lots of people are using Massive Mod as a base and adding onto it to make their own mods.
-Gmod has a mod for it called "GMS" or Gmod Stranded.
-I am modding GMS to give it a bit more of Massive Mod's functionality.

I hope that has cleared up the confusion. If I must say it again... MASSIVE MOD WAS A MOD FOR STRANDED II, and was MADE BY ME. GMS IS A MOD FOR GMOD, and was MADE BY jA_c0p.

Mkay? So.

Massive Mod = Mod for Stranded II, made by me.
GMS = Mod for Gmod, made by jA_c0p.
A New World = Mod for Stranded II, using Massive Mod as base, made by Satis.


alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

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Have edited the texture now.... and it's looks better.
Have a look

Note: by clikking on the image you will see it in large format and the colors might not be so dark



New objects added to ANW.
Screenshots Here

hope you like it.

1× editiert, zuletzt 24.10.07 23:24:21

alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

User Off Offline

Not you will first be able to download it when it finished.... I think.
Some people may get a early copy from me, but that is just to alpha testing the mod.


alt Re: A New World - Paused (Lost all Data)

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Wazka hat geschrieben
maybe insert beta version this mod

No and it will still only be for friends and People who have helped me alot.

You just have to wait until I'm finished this mod



Mu work have been delayed, since my PSU exploded a couble of days ago and I haven't got my new PSU yet and can't say when it will arrive since they are realy slow at that firm that I bougth it from :S

Hopefully they will put them self together so I can have it very soon

1× editiert, zuletzt 04.11.07 05:12:16
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