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English CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

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old closed CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

User Off Offline

CheatSpy - More info on second post!

Newest anticheat version: 0.1.0 TESTING

Youll need: CS2D client with CheatSpy addon
CheatSpy package

Both are downloadable in bundle here:

You can contact - Email address (only visible with login) - if:
- Something legal program makes false alarm
- You know cheats which bypass CSpy

For unreal software:
This is only mod made by ME.
If you are interested after you see this, feel free to contact and Ill can implement this ac tool also on official CS2D client.

We need servers for this client too. Put your own servers up =D

I got anticheat fully running now but Ill have to fix with Blitz3D, release will be at tomorrow / friday.
edited 3×, last 22.11.07 07:34:19 am

old Info about Cheatspy

User Off Offline

CheatSpy is anticheat made for CS2D.
It needs it's own CS2D client and CheatSpy anticheat package...

It prevents powerfully;

- Clienthacks (Aimbots, no fog.)
- Memory hacks (infinite ammo, infinite health, infinite money)
- Speedhacking programs
- Maphacks (can walk and shoot thru walls, plant base eg.)
- Visual hacks (no palm trees, colored players eg.)

I have tested so far and it blocks every public hack available at this time. Private hacks get caught also with those methods, only advanced C++ coded injection hooks can bypass this (this kind hacks never released for CS2D, Im still planning support for detect these too)...

It checks if it is newest version from Internet everytime you run it. It has multiple checks also for anticheat own module, so anticheat cannot be hacked easily.

Ive got fully working beta release, but it have to be adjustment for new cheatspy cs2d client.

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

User Off Offline

Everyone cries about cheaters and I did work of tens of hours... And fucking no one cares about it? Cmon ppl...

Anyway, Ive got a problem...

If I change version, my client cannot connect USGN which leads that you cannot make any server up with Create game, only bot servers... And if I change client version to normal, I can connect USGN but then everyone can connect with normal cs2d and hack.

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

Moderator Off Offline

Wow, you have absolutely no shame at all? Don't you wonder why you are soo nooby and is incapable of killing anything without your hacks? well, good luck in life, I really hope you don't turn out like what you are in cs2d, otherwise it'll be too pitiful even if everyone in cs2d hates you, anyways, I hope your mom raised you at least a bit right so she wouldn't be ashamed of your sole existence.

I'm sorry for you

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat


- Visual hacks (no palm trees, colored players eg.)

people cant make their own color graphic?
please tick out this anticheat feature,its nooby and useless

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

Moderator Off Offline

Guest has written
- Visual hacks (no palm trees, colored players eg.)

people cant make their own color graphic?
please tick out this anticheat feature,its nooby and useless

this sounds like marcio... why is it nooby?

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

User On Online

leegao has written
Guest has written
- Visual hacks (no palm trees, colored players eg.)

people cant make their own color graphic?
please tick out this anticheat feature,its nooby and useless

this sounds like marcio... why is it nooby?

wtf are you saying from me? are you crazy? _|_
Check the IP you son of a bitch!
Fucking bastard...
Just for you know, I agree with this anticheat tool...
Leegao idiot! In your hole dumb!

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

User Off Offline

Marcio has written
leegao has written
Guest has written
- Visual hacks (no palm trees, colored players eg.)

people cant make their own color graphic?
please tick out this anticheat feature,its nooby and useless

this sounds like marcio... why is it nooby?

wtf are you saying from me? are you crazy? _|_
Check the IP you son of a bitch!
Fucking bastard...
Just for you know, I agree with this anticheat tool...
Leegao idiot! In your hole dumb!

relax marcio :S

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat


Marcio go better play soccer, ur team is needin u.

Visual hacks:

If u open the Palm file, and erase the palm, u won't see them ingame. Which means u see other campers under palms.

If u draw ur player to a square you will see where you can hit the enemy's if there are hidding behind walls.

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

Moderator Off Offline

Marcio has written
leegao has written
Guest has written
- Visual hacks (no palm trees, colored players eg.)

people cant make their own color graphic?
please tick out this anticheat feature,its nooby and useless

this sounds like marcio... why is it nooby?

wtf are you saying from me? are you crazy? _|_
Check the IP you son of a bitch!
Fucking bastard...
Just for you know, I agree with this anticheat tool...
Leegao idiot! In your hole dumb!

... calm down, all I said is that the guy sounded like you, I didn't say anything bad, you seriously need to go to an anger management therapy session or something.

T-Search is memory hack and C++ will probably be memory injection, which he stated that he doesn't have support for yet but hopefully will support in the future

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

User Off Offline

If you go down to the C level of manipulating memory common for C++ it would be very hard to implement a protection which asserts that everything is okay after the game loaded up.

DC would have to support some checks within CS2D itself. Still a bit complicated but easier than a program running parallel to CS2D...

old Re: CheatSpy - CS2D Anticheat

User Off Offline

I have CS2d sources so I can implement some protections also in it. I can also easily scan for linked dll's, so it wouldnt be easy enough to hack with c++.

If this is coming to clan matches, I have resources to implement screenshot support.

I have blocked many many memory hacking (for example T-Search which you mentioned)...

Also autoupdate everytime you start the client would be nice, then you cant modify my AC executables or know when it updates and what it detects.

If you know tips regarding my problem (I cant make net games with modified client cause I cant connect usgn), post them here!

old Topic


This anticheat tool sounds nice, I'm looking forward to this.
Keep up the good work ZeroE.
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