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English Phens next gen. CS Source MOD ideas

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old Phens next gen. CS Source MOD ideas

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More or less I am increasingly disappointed with what Valve is doing to the counter strike series thus far. So I thought I can do better and thus I will try to describe and plan out a better version of Counter Strike on the Source engine.

All are welcome to ask questions and offer ideas but please keep your comments respectful and constructive. I dont want any punk ass kids starting a flame war >>

For starters I plan on leaning my version of CS more towards realism and logic to eliminate 90% of cheap crap that tends to plague FPS games these days.

So thus lets get started

Each team will now have 10 factions representing various CT, special ops, and both fictional and real terrorist groups around the world.

     C.T. Factions
Spoiler >
     T. Factions
Spoiler >

Ok now on to the weaponry and equipment. NOTE that any and all equipment purchased will become visible on the stock player models for added visual realism. IE Kevlar vests and helmets for example will show up on the player models.

Each player will have their own camo for the following types : standard, woodland, desert, winter, night, & urban patterns unique to the players faction.

Weaponry will have various attachments and options allowing for complete customizations to suit a players needs or preferences. NOTE that attachments and mods to weapons cost money so the more tacticool you make your weapon the more it costs to buy in game.

Players will be able to modify their player models and weapons in customizable auto buys that can be edited and saved either in the main option menu or in game menu. This will keep the round start time from being too long.

     Melee weapons
Spoiler >

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     Shotguns "All are 12 Gauge but different types of shells are available but the standard is buckshot."
Spoiler >

     Machine Pistols "usually the small 1 handed SMGs like the Glock 18 and Beretta 93R fall into this category."
Spoiler >

     Sub Machine Guns and Personal Defense Weapons "Usually larger and harder hitting that their machine pistol counter parts"
Spoiler >

     Combat Rifles, Assault Rifles, and Carbines
Spoiler >

     Sniper Rifles, Anti Material Rifles, and Designated Marksman Rifles
Spoiler >

     Light and General Purpose Machine Guns
Spoiler >

Again thats it for tonight. Ill get working on the light and general purpose machine gun lists later.

If you have any suggestions or questions for factions, weapons, equipment, game modes, exc. feel free to post them.
edited 9×, last 06.11.11 07:14:02 am

old Re: Phens next gen. CS Source MOD ideas

User Off Offline

Did not read a word, just tell me what the hell is that about? Too many words - local schoolboys do not like to read, eh. Good night, by the way, I'll go get some sleep.
Spoiler >
edited 1×, last 04.11.11 06:10:30 am

old Re: Phens next gen. CS Source MOD ideas

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@user Z-:

If you dont care then don't comment >> wanker

This is just my own plans for a proper next gen CS game that would be better then the current cheapo CS:GO which will most likely be a regurgitated piece of shit using valve's old left over stuff.

they are not taking the game seriously and are therefore killing it like they have with all the other mods they bought or took over.

And yea there is alot of written info here since its describing an ENTIRE game and its features >>

And to the rest of you guys yea Id play as Polish or Russian CTs as well >:3

old Re: Phens next gen. CS Source MOD ideas

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It's great that you do have a different opinion and ideas for the game, but I honestly doubt that Valve will actually want to implement such ideas for CS:GO.

The plague you're talking about is the First Person Shooter games themselves. How many FPS titles can companies bring out before they become shit or history?

The other thing is that Valve probably wants to reach out to console players. Without a doubt, most console players are probably using Call of Duty or Battlefield. Take a look at the game HOMEFRONT; It was an awful console ported PC game that was trying to make itself as Call of Duty and Battlefield. Of course, HOMEFRONT never made it as the top shooter anyway.

Realism would just kill the game as well. How realistic does a game need to be before you end up having to salute somebody or having to design your bombs?

old Re: Phens next gen. CS Source MOD ideas

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This is NOT for CS:GO this is for a original mod version of Counter Strike thats intended to return CS back to its roots in the modding community. Back to when the game was made for fun quality game play and not for cheap and quick profit.

As for the realism its really just visual realism like equipment that is bought showing up on player models for example.

It also include thing like a better reg, lag compensation, more weapon/armor damage and ballistics and above all not retarded shit like moving hot boxes as shown in CS:S >>

This is why I said semi realism.

old Re: Phens next gen. CS Source MOD ideas

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user J4x has written
So you are making a mod for cs 1.6 or CS:S? Btw will you add ironsights?

EDIT: Pleasse add weapons info in a spoiler... its to long.

this... guy is retarded. -.-.

old Re: Phens next gen. CS Source MOD ideas

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user Phenixtri has written
1) Navy SEAL Teams      "U.S.A."

It can be SEAL Team 6 or Devgru

What about the weapons in cs2d? Should we/they add it? Like laser, portal, rpg, wrench etc...

And Knife for CT and Machete for T.
edited 1×, last 04.11.11 11:02:29 pm
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