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English ok.... weapon make WITH BB?

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(btw.... whats your fave programming language?)

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33.33% (2)
16.67% (1)
(this 1 is if u used it as a child...)SiMPLE
0.00% (0)
[DO NOT CLICK]above:SiMPLE i used when i was young
50.00% (3)
6 votes cast

old Re: ok.... weapon make WITH BB?

User Off Offline

BlitzPlus is like BB, but it is better.

At the moment I learn programming in some languages:
C and Delphi

For the Web I use PHP but when you don't take it as program you may forget it

C++ is nice too but it's hard to learn and I will first learn in one of the first two languages properly.

EDIT: Damn, I just read your poll and not your topic... What is the sense to combine such a poll with your question!? And why do you include an answer which i may not click?

old back on topic pls


Dicker has written
BlitzPlus is like BB, but it is better.

At the moment I learn programming in some languages:
C and Delphi

For the Web I use PHP but when you don't take it as program you may forget it

C++ is nice too but it's hard to learn and I will first learn in one of the first two languages properly.

EDIT: Damn, I just read your poll and not your topic... What has this poll to do with the question!? And why do you include an answer which i may not click?

ehrmm....that do not click indicates a NOTE.
and pls answer my title!!

old Re: ok.... weapon make WITH BB?

Admin On Online

woohooo .... you have blitz plus and ask where to get get bb? that can't work.
if you would have bought it legally you would know that you can get it at

illegal stuff is forbidden in this forum. closed

and please notice that you need blitz basic 3d for counter-strike 2d (yeah no typo. 3d for 2d).
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