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English Congrats ZxC -- The latest MOD

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old Re: Congrats ZxC -- The latest MOD

Moderator Off Offline

@user SpriNG: Although, he's a bit right when he said the word "fast". What he exactly mean is it wasn't a good choice to elect a new moderator RIGHT NOW but nevermind...

Also if you guys found a little flaw or I did missed something on my duty, feel free to PM me as long you have sense full points or such I have no problems with it.
edited 1×, last 09.07.15 09:23:19 am

old Re: Congrats ZxC -- The latest MOD

User Off Offline

@user tek69: I am his close friend and i know alot about him, and I can tell you that he deserves it! Think whatever the crap u wanna think, cuz that's what trolls are for.

old Re: Congrats ZxC -- The latest MOD

Reviewer Off Offline

user Evaldas has written
Get rekt Yates fan boys..

It shall never be nor would I want to be. You think I could act civil towards most of the users here? - Not gonna happen

old Re: Congrats ZxC -- The latest MOD

User Off Offline

@user Yates: Please forgive him my lord. He doesn't deserve your attention.

ZxC tried really hard, he deserved this.
Now lets see if he is responsible enough to keep this rank. I'm confident he'll do it well.

old Congratulations,

Reviewer Off Offline

makes me wonder how can I earn super spriter title. lel
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