
> > Stranded II > Scripts > Creating a .bat file to run your mod.
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Englisch Creating a .bat file to run your mod.

4 Antworten
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alt Creating a .bat file to run your mod.

User Off Offline

Simply open notepad and type in these few lines of code.

@echo off
title *modname* for Stranded
start StrandedII.exe -mod *modfoldername*

Then save as *modname*.bat
Or save as *modname*.txt and then rename to .bat

alt Re: Creating a .bat file to run your mod.

User Off Offline

Not only, you can add to the line with "start StrandedII.exe" some other parameters like "-debug","-win" or compilate them together like "-mod "DC adventures" -debug -quit".

user thePVTandrew hat geschrieben
How would i make it show up with a differnt icon?

Sorry, in this case batch file wont help you
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