-- Tajifun's Minecraft Mod --

Version: 1.0
Author: Tajifun
Release: 2012/05/10
Thanks to EngiN33R (VisualLua)


I got some problems with the map generating system. In fact it's pretty laggy every 2 seconds. The generating process usually finishes after 2-3 minutes. After that you should be able to play without any problems. If you can think of a way to improve this, please let me know.
Other ideas and suggestions are welcome, as well.
I could have done more, but I'm pretty busy at the moment and I kinda wanted to be the first one uploading a minecraft script.

I hope you like it, anyway.
Greetings Tajifun

edited 4×, last 12.05.12 01:35:44 pm
Approved by EngiN33R
348 kb, 4,869 Downloads