
> > Stranded II > Mods > Realism Mod v0.52
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English Realism Mod v0.52 >

16 comments585 kb, 1,393 Downloads

old Realism Mod v0.52

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This mod tries to make the game as close to real-life as possible. It is not quite finished, but completely playable.
See the Readme.txt file for a complete list of completed changes.

Thanks are due to the creator of the Paradise mod for the Sand, Coal, Saltpeter and Gunpowder images. (Note; I had thought of these items, and created images for them before I found the Paradise mod. But I found the Paradise mod's images to be much better.)
All other new images, new models, and all mod edits were made by me.

Version History;
V0.5 Original published mod.
V0.51 Minor changes, reduced download size.
V0.52 New model, minor changes. New installation setup!

Be sure to check out the version 0.6 Update after downloading this file.
edited 5×, last 11.09.13 05:48:59 am
Approved by Seekay

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585 kb, 1,393 Downloads


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Guys like to play on multiplayer?
I like it!


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First, I'm sorry about taking so long to get back to you.

Right click on Realism.bat and click edit.
It should look like this,
@echo off
title Realism Mod for Stranded
start StrandedII.exe -mod Realism 

If that looks ok, go ahead and close notepad and double-check that the mod folder is named "Realism" (caps are important).

If it still does not work, temporarily rename your Stranded II mod folder to Stranded II.bak and then rename the Realism Folder to Stranded II. You should now be able to test it using Stranded II.exe to see if the mod itself works.

Other than that, I honestly have no idea what would be wrong or how to fix it.

old RealismSetup.bat issues..

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Realism mod is installed correctly
- I have read the instructions and done it all properly.

Although, when trying to startup Realism, It says;
"Cannot find the following file; Stranded II.exe"

Yet, that very file lies right next to RealismSetup.bat, Realism.exe, and Realism 06 update.exe ?!
(Its all unpacked and unfolded in the original Main StrandedII folder.)

Retried uninstalling - reinstalling, still att the same issue.


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Updated to V0.52
Several minor tweaks
New installation setup makes it much easier to install (though I still need to tweak it for maximum user compatibility).
Also includes a new model and image for the board item


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Thanks WaspIV, I;ll just play with edited reqs and enjoy the mod.Great mod BTW
I like it!


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It must be something with either your computer, or your version of S2, because I don't have that problem. So I don't know how I would fix it. Sorry.


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After the 3rd storage is unlocked,clicking on it in build menu results in program exit with memory access violation.I edited out the req's for building 6(storage) works fine now. Maybe I'm running an old version of s2 for the copy and rename
I like it!
edited 2×, last 10.10.12 10:10:51 pm


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profnewbie, I checked it out, and can't find any problem. Would you mind telling me what the problem is (i.e. can't select building... can't place building)?


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Seems to be a problem(mav error) with building #6 storage when the third storage is listed on the build menu, other than that it's not bad for a start.Keep on
I like it!


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Updated to V0.51 and a couple of screens are now included.

Thanks Assassin moder, I'm checking that out now.


Assassin moder
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Try Deled 3D CE with .b3d Import/Export plugins
I like it!


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Screens will be coming up in the next day or two.

@Hurri04, I would create my own 3d models if I can find a good free 3D modeler that'll save in b3d format.
This is the first major mod I've worked on (about 3 weeks worth of modifications and testing), so thanks for the tips.


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basically this is a collection of minor tweaks of the old game and a few additions to it.

it's not bad for a starter's result of a modification but you should keep going!

I recommend you to learn how to create your own 3d models to improve your mod with as it opens up a whole lot of new possibilities.

also maybe you should look for a better file management:
as the mod is supposed to extend a copy of the original game, you should remove all files from the sys folder which you didn't modify.
also note that you can create your own files as well as long as they start with the right words (like "objects_", "items_", "units_", "combinations_" and so on) and end with ".inf".
this could help keeping the stuff from your mod together.

and there's a small error I noticed: it's "salpeter", not "saltpeter".


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If you would upload some screens I would download it
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