From now on, I'll be uploading a new small amazing script every week at Sunday.
So this is the first week, and let me introduce... Grenade shotgun! Each shot with XM1014 will create five grenades, which can bounce off the walls.
I played with this around, and it's quite fun! Try yourself!
Script contains 73 lines of code, it's pretty simple and understandable. This script also don't requires any GFX so no worries about servertransfer.lst
In this version bouncing issue is fixed.
Thanks to

Bug with round end is fixed too. Now grenades won't appear in the next round if they were created in previous.
"Virus" is also removed.
To install it just take the script from the archive and place it to sys/lua/ then open server.lua and copy&paste this line:
You are allowed to do anything to this script, but give me credits on re-uploading.
That's it! Enjoy!
edited 6×, last 21.03.13 01:13:34 pm
Approved by CY
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