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old [EngiN33R] Spray Info

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This script has been requested here, and I figured I should do it. I'm not sure if someone did it already, let me know if someone did.

It's a very simple and short script that shows the name and the USGN ID of the player who sprayed the logo you're pointing at. It's a small utility script that can be used together with other, bigger scripts. It's also got compatibility settings at the beginning in case of conflicts. Enjoy!
Approved by Starkkz

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What about doing "something similar"

aim a teammate at the start of the round, and you will see his money, it would be usefull for competitive mode
I like it!


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I think he took the idea from css
I like it!


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Hmmm... that's a strange thing. Note that I didn't try to see if the sprays vanished after two minutes (as during most of my testing, the rounds were over within that time).

But like you said, that's weird... when i was testing it, the sprays disappeared when the round restarted.

Anyhow, thanks for the update

(Edit #1) I was looking again at your original source, and the time that you're using is 200,000ms (which would be 3.3~ minutes). I don't know if that would have anything to do with it, but nevertheless the sprays appear (to me, at least) to disappear when the round restarts.

(Edit #2) OK, I just tested it again. This time, I set the round time to 8 minutes, and started a game with only myself (and no bots).

The sprays seem to completely fade out after 3 minutes and 20 seconds... so your 200,000 ms setting is perfecto

But yes, the sprays are indeed removed as well when the round restarts (so the additional code should fix that right up).

Again, thanks for the script
I like it!
edited 1×, last 19.01.13 12:18:56 pm


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@user RichNagel: That is strange because when I was testing the script on my own server, I've found the fade time of sprays to be two minutes, and made so that they are removed from the table after that time. I don't know why it doesn't work for you.

The code for removing everything on round restart is valid and 'kosher', as you've said. I'll add it to the code.


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I find this script a bit useless, but It's one of a kind.
I like it!


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Hey EngiN33R,

I'm not really sure what the "fade time" of the sprayed logos in the game are (maybe a minute or two, I don't really know?).

But, it looks rather strange after any sprayed logos in the game have faded out to transparent (or rather, completely disappeared), yet the script still displays the info for them in the HUD.

Is there any modification that you could do to the script (maybe using some sort of timer function) that would force the script to not display the spray info for any given spray after a certain time has elapsed (whatever that the "fade time" is for the sprayed logos in the game)?

(EDIT #1) It appears that there isn't any sort of "fade time" for the sprays, but rather they are removed when a round ends and is restarted. So is there maybe some way that you could clear the "table" (I'm assuming that's what it's called) each time the round restarts?

(EDIT #2) I added the "startround_prespawn" part below, near the top of the script:

sprays = {}
shudtxt = {}
hspray = {}

addhook("startround_prespawn","unregister_sprays") -- new
function unregister_sprays() -- new
	sprays = {} -- new
	shudtxt = {} -- new
	hspray = {} -- new
end -- new

function register_sprays(id)

...and it seems to work perfectly now. There are no more "ghost" hud texts when the round restarts

I'm just wondering, does that look 'kosher' to you; and if so, you might want to add that to your most excellent script
I like it!
edited 4×, last 17.01.13 05:49:02 pm


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Nice one.
I like it!


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Really good script, nice job EngiN33R.
I like it!


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its somewhat useful. gj.
I like it!


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Great file as always.
I like it!


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Now 12 people do.
I like it!


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(Now to go ahead and make myself a nude/offensive spray LOL!)
I like it!


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@user RichNagel: Pardon me, that is a bug you mentioned, with the last spray displaying. I've reuploaded the fixed version, it should work properly now. Sorry again.

user RatedX has written
Who the hell wants to know who sprayed?

Well, at least 11 people do.

user RatedX has written
I don't see how someone can be offended by a 32x32 1-tone logo.

You'd be surprised how many offensive possibilities exist.


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RatedX has written
Source games run these sort of scripts/plugins so they can see who sprayed an offensive logo so they can ban them. I don't see how someone can be offended by a 32x32 1-tone logo.

...or a 64x64 1-tone logo (as in all of the HL1-based GoldSource games that I mentioned previously).

(Edit) And I don't know about Source, but the reason for the previously mentioned AMXModX plugin for the GoldSource games (that many HL1 based servers are running) is simply a server "augmentation" (as I also mentioned previously).
I like it!
edited 1×, last 30.12.12 11:35:40 pm


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Source games run these sort of scripts/plugins so they can see who sprayed an offensive logo so they can ban them. I don't see how someone can be offended by a 32x32 1-tone logo.


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RatedX has written
The bad things are there is no use for it. Unless you don't know how to make your own sprays and want to ask the maker if he can send you his.

It's not designed to be a ground-breaking game-changing type of thing, but rather a cool little server "augmentation" (so to speak).

As I've posted previously, a *LOT* of HL/CS/CS:CZ/DoD servers run a similar AMXModX plugin that performs the same function.

I mean...

Does it add (or subtract) anything from CS2D gameplay? Nope.

Is it REALLY REALLY required for a server? Nope.

Is it the greatest thing since-sliced bread? Nope.

Is it a cool little eye-candy-ish server addition? Yes, by all means

(Edit) Lastly (and please note that I'm not trying to be a smart-ass here or anything), but I don't see anything that you yourself has uploaded to the CS2D file archives (according to your publicly viewable USDN profile page, which also states "Latest online Game: Has not played yet").



I've been playing CS2D with the script running, and I also use "Loooser's New Bots Update" (which allows the bots to randomly spray as well, along with the humans). I've noticed that the script seems to only "keep track" of the last spray that has been sprayed during the current round.

Is this by design, or is it possibly just a weird thing when the Loooser Bots spray a logo (I haven't tested it yet with other humans in the game)?
I like it!
edited 3×, last 30.12.12 11:37:42 pm


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@user RichNagel, the good thing about his script? It works.

The bad things are there is no use for it. Unless you don't know how to make your own sprays and want to ask the maker if he can send you his.


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Not bad,
I just like it.
I like it!
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