[CSP] Filthy rich -script-Alistaire User Offline 17.02.13 07:25:58 pm Throw money like the Gaben you are. Approved by Yates (22.12.15 03:31 pm) Download 2 kb, 407 Downloads
Occasus User Offline 18.02.13 11:47:17 am This spawnprojectile thing is getting useful everyday, hope it'll last longer though. EDIT : That checkbox needed to be checked. I like it!edited 1×, last 18.02.13 12:03:42 pm
Obviously Exactly Myself User Offline 18.02.13 11:26:08 am Simple, but good idea. BTW, script explanation: Trigger = Spawn Proj Proj Rot = Player Rot Set Money = Minus Money Thrown I like it!
Rainoth Moderator Offline 17.02.13 10:10:14 pm Quite simple I believe... With this new spawnprojectile thing it shouldn't take long to make it. But you probably made it throw on the angle the person is facing. Am I right ? If it is then here - take my like I like it!