bind "H" "say !earthspell" to use earth spells with H) which is the best way.
Health Bars above players, telling you other players remaining heatlh!(done)

I have finally finished version 1.0(which means map is completed) but i will probably keep updating it with new features.
Please do/ do not:

Any suggestions\bugs\help is very apreaccited.
I have finished the map with this update. Added atack info script which tells you how much damage you deal to a monster, how much hp it has left and the monsters name when you hit him, the hud txt dissappears after 3.5 secs. Fixed a few bugs. Added 20th boss and final set(legend set).
I updated today, finished 5th city, fixed some bugs, added 6 new spells(2 passive, 2 active bonus and 2 atacking spells). Also uploaded a whole map image to the images(i had o pixelate it X2 for it to go under 1mb)
Hi there! I´m back after about 2 years. I´ve seen many people had bugs with the map, so i downloaded cs2d and this map to try it out, fixed the couple or errors it had which were really small, and now it´s playable. Also fixed the help command which gives a list of all commands, added the !save command in case there is any error with saving, and so people can save after achieving something. Please, if you happen to find out any other bugs or errors with the map, or have specific suggestions, or you would like to continue the map and need some help, don´t hesitate to ask me through MP or whatever, but please try and be as clear as possible!
Adding mediafire mirror for download:
Hi! In this lastest update called 2015c i fixed the mana potions which weren´t working properly, and improved the mana system: Now every 5 levels you get 1 extra maximum mana point and you regen 10% of your max mana per minute instead of the 10 mana per minute from before. Improved the save command, improved the monstereset function and also added admin command !m to perform a monster reset. I also added the speedhack by wotan i found in the archive, because i realized people could use speedhack in the map, and wotan´s doesn´t interfere with speed changes done by the items.
Fixed the removal of the dmg txt. Added itemclear every 30 mins, and admin command !r to remove items, but not from houses. Added the images that were missing in gfx/weiwen (had to make them).
2015 e. Fixed a bug with antispeedhack that messed up the spawn hook and the second hook. Made the images for all spells but 1. Edited the map, as it was requested in a comment i added mafia man to the credits (althougth i don´t even remember if i had used his edit or why i hadn´t written his name, its been 2 years since i made the map). Moved the healing fountain to main city, changed respawn place. Made a clearitem system which is off by default, can be turned on in hooks.lua and it can be told to be every X minutes(doesn´t erase items in houses). Moved the fairy area above the ice area which looks better, made the stone boss an individual area. Reworked some obstacles along the map. Moved the stable next to the city. Made a new spell earth vitality which increases max health. Nerfed wood boss and fixed his zone(there were too many obstacles). Mana regeneration of 5% of max mana now works 100%. Added the lvl needed for the sets each shop sells below them. On the future i would like to add quests, so i will need to edit the map once more to do that. But i don´t have very good ideas about the quests, so please give me some! As detailed as posible, and try to think of something within my possibilities.
PD: Sorry if i am posting in the wrong section, or the wrong way, it is my first post, and please, don't make any destructive critics, make constructive ones!
PD2: Sorry for my bad english, my native language is spanish.
edited 21×, last 01.03.15 08:44:30 pm
Approved by Rainoth
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