
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Ini-File Operation v1.0
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English Ini-File Operation v1.0 >

8 comments970 b, 406 Downloads

old Ini-File Operation v1.0

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Ini-File Operation by AuahDark a.k.a user MikuAuahDark

NOTE: This file is outdated. I have better version here

∗ Description ∗
This file allows you to save file in Ini-file format. This is useful to save player stats

∗ Features ∗
• > Ini-like systems
• > No need to close file everytime using ini_get/ini_set
• > Comments support(you must manually put comments)
• > Key-Value systems

∗ How to Install ∗
1. Extract inioperation.lua to desired folder(sys/lua)
2. Add this to server.lua
3. Of course, save it

∗ Reserved Global Variable ∗
> GetLocationString
> ReParseString
> FixString
> ini_get
> ini_set

∗ Data ∗
> Hooks: 0
> Lines: 83
> Size: 1.678 Bytes

∗ Functions ∗
• Im just list a important functions, rest of it check inioperation.lua •
> ini_get(filename(string),key(string)) >

> ini_set(filename(string),key(string),value(boolean/number/string)) >

∗ Limitations ∗
• > The key would automaticy sorted when ini_get is used
• > Comments must manually added

∗ Rules ∗
√ You can use it for your server
√ You can edit it
√ You can upload at another website, say user MikuAuahDark made it
× You can't say this is yours
× You can't upload on another website without put me on credits

∗ Notes ∗
• 1. Picture is useless
• 2. Tell me if there is any bugs
• 3. You don't need to close the file, the file would closed automaticy

∗ Version History ∗
> ∗ v1.0 >
edited 2×, last 12.06.14 07:38:02 am
Approved by Seekay

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970 b, 406 Downloads


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old Useful

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I will use it in my script to save player stats. Great work
I like it!


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great script and nice description
I like it!


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Awesome. I really like your work since you put much effort in it and you do really good work.
I like it!
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