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English Armor Level >

12 comments9 kb, 470 Downloads

old Armor Level

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Hello everyone, the moment you have been waiting for (or maybe not)is here.

iLoveUS has uploaded a new script! (YAAAAAY!!! )

I don't have all day
so proceed to the Description

> Description.

The script allows you to have armor levels
through buying in the shop a kevlar or kevlar and helm.

> Steps how to install FOR NEWBIES
Spoiler >

> Steps how to get armor level
Spoiler >

> Kinds of Armor Level
Spoiler >

> How it works
Spoiler >

You can also configure few settings inside the lua script, those are.

> Config
Spoiler >

> Logs
Spoiler >

Found Bugs? please report them to me.

Note: There are some useless arrays in the script, this is because of
adding and removal of some features, but don't worry, they won't affect the script.

For my next script, I thought of making a "Ammo Classes" like from the logs
(Incendiary, Explosive, Buzz, Normal).
but I'm so busy so I thought of sharing it to you,
If you haven't thought about it, you can just take the idea.

The purpose of sharing this script, is to let all know about my ideas.
I always think about lua script ideas but when I making it I not really good.
So I think you might be able to make better script than mine using what I shared.

There is no rules or license for this script.

You can do anything you want, but if you are really nice enough,
please leave a comment or even like.

> Screenshots Uploaded
Sorry for late screenshots, and also, what I'm showing on the screenshot is "how it works".
edited 2×, last 27.04.14 09:34:36 am
Approved by Infinite Rain

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9 kb, 470 Downloads


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I like it!


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Has something better?


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But it looks like ammo type script .


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user Accurator btw, this is more usefull than normal kevlar...
coz, if you buy the kevlar "level III" u dont take much damage from "rifles" but take NORMAL DAMAGE from other weaps...

I like this ^,^
I like it!


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After seeing the screenshot, it's nice.
I like it!


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This i say to make the screenshots and look how it works
I like it!


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Nice idea, and good job!
I like it!


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Nice idea, great add to our infantry. It would make the warfare more tatical.
I like it!


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Good description but screenshot please if you can.
I like it!


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Level 1 is useless, light weapons don't deal all that much damage, so taking that just wastes your AP.
Level 2 protects from both shotguns, plus the glock (light weapon) and the famas ("assault" weapon). Will they also be affected by the level 1 and 3 armor?
Level 3 will probably be the most used, as most players use either the M4A1 or the ak47. Snipers also get used often.
Level 4 is pretty useless, the M249 isn't really good with single targets, and not used often. If the M134 is on the map, I doubt there won't be armor, which in most cases is better then kevlar.
Level 5 normally only includes the HE grenade, so it's pretty much useless in normal maps. When, however, there are RPGs on the map, this armor suddenly becomes the most useful one...

Also, what level does picked up kevlar have?


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Why you doesn't upload some screenshots?
I like it!
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