Shadow Engine

CT Bots

Winning/Loosing Rounds.

New Shop Window

Secondary Weapon and Primary Weapons

Separate joystick for aiming and moving.

New Map dr_cry and a demo map.

Positional/3d sound effects

Credits button In menu.

Logo added.

Interact button added.

Reload button added.

Weapons system, reloading, decreasing bullets.

Buy ammunition button in shop.

Bullets changed.

New flash of weapons.

New list for choosing map.


Bots names, (player name is “player”)

Sounds “CT Win”,”Terr Win”.

List to choose weapon (primary or secondary) by clicking on

Interact button.
You can shoot and aim by click on aim button.
Bots will choose random weapons.
Main menu size increased.
FPS decreased from 60 to 50.
Health, bullets and other info will be displayed on top of screen.
Loading changed.
Collision changed.
Resolution changed.
Map Specification changed.
Map auto restart after a team won/loose.
Lines around graphics is fixed.
Lines b/w tiles fixed.
Improved Performance.
Improved Bots AI

Info on top left corner removed.

Displaying IP address on top left of menu removed.