This plugin allows you to register your U.S.G.N. ID in a server so that you can login even when the U.S.G.N. servers are offline!
Once you have registered an account (which does require you to actually be logged in), you can then use the command
!usgnregisterto register your U.S.G.N. ID to a given password. Whenever the U.S.G.N. service is offline you can login by using
!usgnloginand change your password with
Administrators can change your password for you by using the Y.A.T.E.S command
!player <usgn> password <newpassword>
This plugin also features automatic login. If enabled and your IP matches any IP which has a registered U.S.G.N. ID then you are automatically logged in to that account. This feature is disabled by default, people can exploit this feature so use at your own risk.
This plugin also has three actions:

id, usgn, change
Triggers when a player registers a U.S.G.N. ID.

id, usgn
Triggers when a player logs in to a U.S.G.N. account

id, usgn
Triggers when a player logs in to a U.S.G.N. account automatically on join
But wait! What about things like
player(id, "usgn")- will these still work?

edited 17×, last 28.11.16 05:29:05 pm
Approved by Sparty
3 kb, 583 Downloads