- Dead zone that shrinking (random spawn in the central part of the map at round start, changing position with each shrink)
- Random player spawn (with a certain distance from each other, so the two players will never spawn in one place)
- Random loot crates (boxes with weapons, come closer and press E to get random drops, more powerful weapons/equipment are more rare, guns will spawn with an empty clip and 50% ammunition (awp-20 ammo, rifles- 60, m249- 120)
- Map with mark of safe area and player mark (press X to open)
- Intuitive game ui (hud and new large health bar in the middle of the bottom of the screen)
- No chance for trolling players (the last smallest zone includes a timer (90sec), after which last idle players will get damage)
- Big (but not very) map 200x200 in stalker style for your battles (! br_stalkerground_x200.map)
- Different sounds (at death, at coming of a zone, at a damage by a zone etc)
- Simple config file for some settings
ATTENTION: my programming level is very average, so I hope you will help me to fix bugs if you find it and improve code (tested a lot, should be very stable)

- Copy all files with replacement
- Add a string in your sys/lua/server.lua
See more my files S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Anomalies script and 64x64 Mixed Tileset
edited 11×, last 11.12.17 09:45:15 am
Approved by Yates
431 kb, 968 Downloads