This is a remake of the rainbow map by @ flexer: (File includes original map)
This is a confrontation of 2 teams. Terrorists should put a bomb on 1 of 2 places. This is not just bomb/defuse, this is stealth gameplay with different classes, you need to rely on the sound.
It is recommended to play with headphones. And often press the shift.
Features: Cameras can see the TT team and signal the CT team (TT team can disable cameras). 2 Generators that turn off the lights in the garage and in the house. Many approaches to bomb sites. Night map. Focus on stealth gameplay. Destructible: walls, windows, grilles, doors, explosive boxes.
Update (Remake): New 64x64 Tileset. Added a lot of gfx and sfx files. Redone lighting. The cameras are configured correctly. Some interactive things: radio, car, meat, toilet. Reworked balance. Many new classes do not upset the balance. Afk protection on spawn.
Installation: All files from the archive should be thrown into the game folder (or the server folder). You need a drop.lua script for the map - without it, the balance will be upset! And also need a server.cfg, All the necessary settings are made there. You can only change the server name and Rcon.