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old Zombie Plague Script (v 1.15)

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{No|Limit} Zombie Plague Server Script By Blazzingxx

=== Info ===
√ Zombie Plague Mod Based From CS
> Version: 1.15 (Beta)
> Release Date: 2010/04/14
> Author: Blazzingxx
> Website:

=== 1.15b Update ===
!hElP - capital letters are welcome.
Some knockback improvements.
Server files transfer list.
"!giveap <id> <ap>"
Flashlight sometimes works wrong.
Zombie '0 dmg = 1 hit" wasn't working.
"M" - mine ID wasn't working in buildings configuration.
Knockback won't require any files.

=== Script Features ===
∗ = General/Basics =
Note: Use Zombie Plague 1.1b maps to make it work properly.
• Each level you need more experience.
• For killing zombie get experience & ammo packs.
• For each infected survivor get experience & ammo packs.
• Well finished messages and hudtexts.
• Zombie Ability to unstuck.
• Weapons unlocking mode.
• Help file appears on right of screen. (After joining)
• Ability to change money to ammo packs.
• Zombie Plague tips for zombies and humans at spawm.
• Zombie Plague Help File.

∗ = Customizable Weapon Levels Feature =
Note: You can configurate this feature in "sys/lua/zombieplague/zp_weapons.cfg" file.
• Ability to remove & add weapon levels.
• 10 levels with 20 weapons as default.
• Weapon configuration have 5 states.
• = #addweapon - Weapon add mark.
• = 1st state [Name] - Weapon name.
• = 2nd state [Level] - Weapon level.
• = 3rd state [Item] - Weapon ID.
• = 4th state [Knock] - Weapon knockback.
• = 5th state [Damage] - Weapon damage.
> Example Of Weapon Level Adding:
#addweapon : Wrench : 74 : 0 : 0 : 5

∗ = Customizable Zombie Classes Feature =
Note: You can configurate this feature in "sys/lua/zombieplague/zp_classes.cfg" file.
• Ability to remove & add zombie classses.
• 8 zombie classes as default.
• Classes configuration have 6 states.
• = #addclass - Class add mark.
• = 1st state [Name] - Zombie class name.
• = 2nd state [Health] - Zombie health.
• = 3rd state [Speed] - Zombie speed.
• = 4th state [Knock] - Zombie knockback.
• = 5th state [Dmg] - Zombie damage.
• = 6th state [Item] - Zombie item ID.
> Example Of Class Adding:
#addclass : Invisible Zombie : 1125 : 3 : 3 : 50 : 84

∗ = Customizable Items Feature =
Note: You can configurate this feature in "sys/lua/zombieplague/zp_items.cfg" file.
• Ability to remove & add survivor, zombie items.
• 14 items as default.
• Items configuration have 6 states & 2 add marks.
• = 1st mark: #addhumanitem - Mark to add human item.
• = 2nd mark: #addzombieitem - Mark to add zombie item.
• = 1st state [Name] - Item name.
• = 2nd state [Packs] - Ammo packs to buy item.
• = 3rd state [Item] - Item ID.
• = 4th state [HP] - Item gives health.
• = 5th state [Armor] - Item gives armor.
• = 6th state [Speed] - Item gives speed.
> Example Of Item Adding:
#addhumanitem : Invisibility : 15: 84 : 0 : 0 : 0

∗ = Customizable Buildings Feature =
Note: You can add building in same "zp_items.cfg" file.
• Ability to remove & add survivor buildings.
• 1 building as default.
• Building configuration have 4 states.
• = 1st state [Name] - Building Name.
• = 2nd state [Packs] - Ammo Packs For Building.
• = 3rd state [C_x] - Player X position in building.
• = 4th state [C_y] - Player Y position in building.
• You need to create building Char file in "sys/lua/zombieplague/zp_buildings/[Building name].txt"
• You also have to read small ZP char files toturial which located "sys/lua/zombieplague/zp_buildings/ZPBuildingInfo.txt"
> File example looks like that.

∗ = General Configuration Feature =
Note: Configuration file located "sys/lua/zombieplague/zp_config.cfg"
• 31 option to change.
• Ability to turn on, off features.
• Ability to increase & decrease options.

∗ = Save & Load Feature =
• U.S.G.N. Users Saves Available.
• Server can have up to 40000 saves.
• Many saves wont slow down server.
• Server saves exp and ap, but loads lvl, needxp, xp, ap.

∗ = Serveractions, menu feature =
• All serveractions in use.
• [F2] - Opens ZP main menu.
• [F3] - Controls flashlight.
• [F4] - Close main help file.

∗ = Human Flashlight Feature =
Note: You can use configuration to turn on, off this feature.
• Survivors have flashlight.
• You can control flashlight with [F3], 2nd serveraction.
• Flashlight battery bar is shown on hud.
• Lower battery equals weaker flashlight.

∗ = Knockback Feature =
Attention: This feature will turn-off itself if script wont find knockback file.
Note: You can use configuration to disable this feature.
• Improved possitions of knockback.
• Weapons have different levels of knockback.
• Each zombie class have own knockback.
• Knockback wall bug was fixed with special knockback files.
• Knockback file "maps/[map name]_knockback.txt"

∗ = Say Commands =
• 10 say commands available.
• !help - Main ZP menu.
• !class - Choose Class.
• !weapons - Select Weapon.
• !hm_shop - Human Shop.
• !zm_shop - Zombie Shop.
• !unstuck - Zombie Unstuck.
• !buy_ap - Buy Ammo Packs.
• !commands - Shows Say commands.
• !giveap <id> <ap> - Give Own Ammo Packs.
• !whatstats <id> <ap> - Give Own Ammo Packs.

∗ = Console Commands =
• 10 console commands available.
• zp_list_players - List of players.
• zp_list_cmd - Console commands list.
• zp_list_say - Say commands list.
• zp_give_xp <id> <xp> - Give xp for player.
• zp_give_lvl <id> <lvl> - Give levels for player.
• zp_give_ap <id> <ap> - Give ammo packs for player.
• zp_give_all <ap> - Give ammo packs for all.
• zp_set_xp <id> <xp> - Set xp for player.
• zp_set_lvl <id> <lvl> - Set level for player.
• zp_set_ap <id> <ap> - Set ammo packs for player.

∗ = Maps Feature =
Note: Use Zombie Plague maps to transfer GFX & SFX.
• This Version includes 3 maps.
• zp_dust_darkness + Knockback File
• zp_dust2_darkness + Knockback File
• zp_suntec_darkness + Knockback File

=== Installation. How to use ===
> Extract downloaded zombie plague in CS2D folder.
> If there is still some questions, contact me.

=== Contacts ===
> Unreal Software User:
> U.S.G.N. : 15811
> E-Mail : - Email address (only visible with login) -
> Website:
edited 4×, last 04.12.11 10:08:18 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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Just awesome.My fav of your Mods.
I like it!


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Wonderful script, which gave a big boost not only zombie mod, but still many servers, I will boldly rate at 5\5, and will wait for the continuation of the script
I like it!
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