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Englisch Login problem

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alt Login problem

User Off Offline

I need help i have used this account to login in-game but it keeps on failing to log in.And even though i make a new account it just keeps saying i cant make anymore account from my address.Can anyone help me?

alt Re: Login problem

User Off Offline

You aren't allowed multiple accounts it's against the rules.
Check the simple things is caps lock or num lock on? I can't really assist you as i've never experienced this.

alt Ill try

User Off Offline

Thank you for those idea ill try to fix my spelling.

alt Re: Login problem

User Off Offline

What you may have to do is, Creat a new E-mail and delete your old USGN account and make a new one under the new E-mail or what ever.

alt Re: Login problem

User Off Offline

If you completely forgot what email you used, and the Account user and pw.

Just uncheck "I already have a us account".
I'm sure it wont be against the rules if you can't use your 1st 1

alt Still fails

User Off Offline

Sorry none of it worked if i create a new account it keeps on saying i cant make a account from my address anymore and even though i make a new email it still doesnt work.

alt Re: Login problem

User Off Offline

You are NOT allowed to make a second account. Your first one does work (as we can see, because you are posting here!)
Please note, that you need to use your unrealsoftware account in cs2d/cc at the time and NOT your account!

alt Re: Login problem

User Off Offline

Thekilleddeath i used this account to login in-game but it didnt work.And i am posting cause i wrote my user and password right.

alt Re: Login problem

User Off Offline

I'm having the same problem Here, my account works. But on cs2d it says logging in all the time and i don't login. If it don't says logging in, it says failed to login.. i am typing everything correct. Also my brother (kamac) is trying to make an account (i thinks we got the same ip) and he cannot do it.

alt My account doesn't work

User Off Offline

I think my account doesnt work because its too old to be enabled or it got disabled when they announced it in-game.

alt ToXiCc

User Off Offline

wel, i got this problem too... i can log here but in the game my usgn always fails to login... i hate it

alt Re: Login problem

Admin On Online

it's not possible to post with "disabled" accounts here. there are either still problem with some certain accounts or people don't manage to login with their real username and password + correct caps. I'll try to find the answer.

if login doesn't work for you in-game: edit your profile somehow (just perform an edit, you don't even have to change something) and try to log-in in-game 5 minutes later.
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