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Englisch Unreal Software wishes

64 Antworten
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I will grant you THREE wishes. Tell me what is favourite one, ok? Then in a reply, choose two more!

Nur registrierte Benutzer können abstimmen
I want to meetand befriend DC.
34,44% (31)
I want to meet and kill DC.
12,22% (11)
I want to be Unreal Software's admin for 1 year!
11,11% (10)
I want DC to be my next-door neighbour!
8,89% (8)
I want to meet all the mods (TKD, Lee, etc.)!
10,00% (9)
I want to steal DC's password and control!!!
11,11% (10)
I want to steal all of DC's future ideas...
2,22% (2)
I want to meet and befriend Crazyx.
3,33% (3)
I want to marry DC.
6,67% (6)
90 Stimmen abgegeben

alt geschlossen Umfrage Unreal Software wishes

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One day, when you were going to the Unreal Software forums, magically a genie lamp with the us logo in it appears.
You rub it and... poof! A genie with this face appears...

Genie hat geschrieben
Hello! I am the Unreal Software Genie.
I will grant you three of the following wishes!


Sure that what is written above is ̶b̶u̶l̶l̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ not possible, right? Maybe... starting from the point it's real, let's vote!

> How?
1. Vote in the biggest wish you wanted.
2. In a reply, respond with that wish and two more!

> More about the poll options
1. That's nice, so, you want to personally meet DC right? And befriend him (be his friend) right?Well, that's easy to grant!
2. You... want... to... MURDER HIM?! That's possible... *poof* Eheh, now you're at Hell! Try to kill Satan instead!
3. No, you can't be Unreal Software's admin for ever. But I can make you be one for 1 full year!
4. You want him to be your neighbour, on the side or front of your house? Ok! Just promise me you wont spy him... ok...?
5. Got it! ere you go! *poof* *poof* *poof* All the mods for you to meet! Even the inactive ones! TKD, Lee, Leiche, Justin... have fun.
6. Oh, that's easy! His password to everything is... XXXXXXX *tells DC password*.
7. You fucknig jealous bitch! Oh, I'm sorry. Got a bit nervous. I hate when people steal MY ideas ideas. But ok... his future ideas are... *tells the top-secret ideas that are crushing DC's huge brain*
8. You want to personally meet Crazyx? Now that's weird... he isn't really "part of" Unreal Software... I don't know how this option poped out. But, hey, fuck it! Here you go! Crazyx will be behind you with a PS3 in... 3... 2... 1... *poof*
9. If you have chosen this option... PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE A GIRL!

P.S.: this thread is just for fun and sure that nothing will happen! No one should be offended.
Also, this may sound childish. Yeah. But I'm not a kid and hate them. I am just so fucking bored and I actually dream with a similar thread like this one. Really!

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes


I want less stupid threads in unrealsoftware. And maybe a section for users who dont act like 10 years old.

You forget about that in your poll. could i forget? The poll is ̶b̶u̶l̶l̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ bullshit.

You are bored? Just because you are board you make things like that? That is not an acceptable reason for such a behavior.

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

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spf357 hat geschrieben
I want less stupid threads in unrealsoftware. And maybe a section for users who dont act like 10 years old.

You forget about that in your poll.

You seriously can't get your pessimism fixed. Wah, I'm not going to care anymore than. You are as you are and your anti-socialism can't be fixed. Stay as you are, but please, if you don't like this thread, stay away from it. I'm keeping calm and said the most polite way possible as I don't want to start flame wars or related.

Sorry for the OT, please back for the topic.
And for people who dislike this: don't reply then.

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

Night Till Death
User Off Offline

@spf357 im with you on this one. If there where less threads like this US would be more cleaner/better. I think DC will grant your wish or TDK or other mods.

Also @Crazyx you CANT tell us what to do if we dont like this thread we can speak our mind about it. Its accualy our deal not yours even if this is your thread.
1× editiert, zuletzt 20.08.10 14:40:01

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

Cure Pikachu
User On Online

Be an admin for 1 year, then steal his password and ideas. (Of course I am not gonna do it)
EDIT: Speaking of which, I will rule us ! *evil laugh* (Just kidding)
1× editiert, zuletzt 20.08.10 15:52:09

alt geschlossen Re: Unreal Software wishes

BANNED Off Offline

this is not really good idea

when i read it i was feel like gay


go to fucking GAY club and put on BOYS face DC's photo than go make a date
1× editiert, zuletzt 20.08.10 14:45:40

Admin/Mod Kommentar

Stop flaming around. /Leiche

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes


Crazyx hat geschrieben
You seriously can't get your pessimism fixed. Wah, I'm not going to care anymore than. You are as you are and your anti-socialism can't be fixed. Stay as you are, but please, if you don't like this thread, stay away from it. I'm keeping calm and said the most polite way possible as I don't want to start flame wars or related.

Sorry for the OT, please back for the topic.
And for people who dislike this: don't reply then

Oh, im not a pessimist. Im a realist. And seriously, i dont think you can tell me what i have to do.

Anyway, you cant just say anything useless, furthermore retarded, in a polite way and say its not useless anymore. This just dont work.

Its like...i said this thread is useless. I said that in a - more ore less - polite way. But it still insulting you. Hm, see any connections between that?
1× editiert, zuletzt 20.08.10 14:44:23

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

User Off Offline

Night Till Death hat geschrieben
@spf357 im with you on this one. If there where less threads like this US would be more cleaner/better. I think DC will grant your wish or TDK or other mods.

Also @Crazyx you CANT tell us what to do if we dont like this thread we can speak our mind about it. Its accualy our deal not yours even if this is your thread.

You just want this to be closed. Good for you. People actually ignore pessimism, but actually, telling "this is bad" by lots of people is kinda off-topic. You can write more pessimism, I don't care about ignorance...
As you see, there are people who like this, like ika, brainstik. So LEAVE US ALONE please!

Back to topic...

You are so evil.

Lulwhat? Eheh. Although I'm an atheist, let me be the priest.

--- Edit ---
So, brainstik, you edited tyour reply and tried to be against me? Meh, never knew people could be so... err. This is just for fun. Maybe this will be closed because of your "realism", you three people. I am like in Heaven, when I see replies like that I think for myself "Fuck that!" and continue. So, yeah, I doub that this threa will stay alive unless, yes, the mods would agree with me... which I actually... doubt.
My catchphrase of the momment...
Seize the moment, fuck the ignorants.
(Not calling anyone ignorant though).
1× editiert, zuletzt 20.08.10 14:49:34

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

Night Till Death
User Off Offline

Crazyx im not even touching you *Sorta Speak* *Leave us alone?* who are you to command me and others what to do? i dont see anything that gives you the ability to command us if i want to speak my mind about this thread i will. Also why did you not add the *I want to kill Crazyx for creating this thread* Hmm? i would vote for that

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

User Off Offline

No offense Crazyx but you seem to treat us forum as a "chatbox" or "hangout"-like place with threads like this. your not the only one, but aslong as people keep making such threads such as "my girlfriend this and that", it will only grow into a heaven for little children that spam, whether they know it or not.

2D shooters tend to have communities dominated by little kids, to much dismay to me and others, and probably also to the admins and DC himself. There's a reason the Stranded forum section is much more mature and polite and generally more peacefull, because the game itself doesn't attract little kids as much as CS2D does.

Don't get me wrong, "fun" threads can be made here and then, but seriously, the us forums don't need to be filled and flooded by a tsunami of stupid and pointless threads that only entertain the little kids.

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

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brainistik hat geschrieben
this is not really good idea

when i read it i was feel like gay


go to fucking GAY club and put on BOYS face DC's photo than go make a date

what a revengee -.-
i choose admin for 1 year then meet DC

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

Admin Off Offline

I would love to see less idiots around here and more intelligent posts with a higher quality.
1× editiert, zuletzt 20.08.10 15:26:22

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

User Off Offline

I hate it how people can't take humor.
DC's post is indeed agreeable, as we all seem to get a bit idiotic at times. Or all the time, if your me

Anyways, DC is respectable, so I would prefer befriending him.

alt Re: Unreal Software wishes

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Crazyx hat geschrieben
How can the last option (marry) be the most popular? LoL.

i think i gonna do this :-
1- Meet DC . ( thats 1% gonna happen , i live very far )
2- Be Friend to DC .

Thats all
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