What's this?
Is a old format of tournament that intended to involve no-competitive players into the scene.
You've to be a Newbie/Newcomer player, without much experience in competitive gameplay.
Milriko has written
Good, known or simply old (experience-wise) players will not get accepted into this tournament.
The tournament will be 1v1. The format will be determinated when the registration ends. Taking care about the number of participants there will be a direct elimination or a group phase.
You'll have to check the Anti-Cheat MOSS (nohope.eu) and learn how to use it.
Find more of the rules clicking here.
de_cs2d <<< special for guys that play fun modes
Main idea of this tournament
We, PCS community, really want new faces to meet, a fresh wave of players to join our scene.
There's the idea of standard gamemode is boring, but you've to give it a try.
Face your opponent, improve your skills and show the rest what capable of are you.
I can bet that the people who registers in this tournament will start having fun playing competitive matches, mixes, standards and even joining/forming a clan.
To registrate on this tournament you should fill this short questionary:
Nick (In game name) :
USGN ID (Number) :
For how long do you play CS2D (Time playing and competitive/standard experience) :
To register you should join cs2d.net, register and click on this link, fill that formulary and wait for confirmation.
Thanks for reading guys, hope you all will register, cuz you all are invited.
PM me for any questions about the Tournament/Anti-Cheat/other thing.