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Englisch A few questions about the map editor...!

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alt A few questions about the map editor...!

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I have some questions about the map editor.

1) How do I make it so that no-one can buy items?
2) How do I make a breakable box/crate?
3) How do I make an object that nobody can walk through but guns can shoot through?

Also, it would be nice to know how to make it so that humans can build with wrenches during a Zombies match. But that one isn't really important.

alt YOU ARE SOSMO!Is funny to me.

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1: no buying
2: an breakable,in the thing that says tile,put the tile of a box that you see and make its material to wood.
3: make some tile an obstacle with tile properties.(OR A DINWALL WITH OBSTACLE PROPERTIES)

4: spawn a wrench item on a zm map ,duh.

alt Re: A few questions about the map editor...!

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MrEco hat geschrieben
Also, it would be nice to know how to make it so that humans can build with wrenches during a Zombies match. But that one isn't really important.
Would also be possible with a small Lua script

alt Re: A few questions about the map editor...!

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MrEco hat geschrieben
Also, it would be nice to know how to make it so that humans can build with wrenches during a Zombies match. But that one isn't really important.

The wrench is a valid item in the env_item list, so just place an env_item object and set its item parameter to Wrench

alt Re: A few questions about the map editor...!

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Thanks for the help guys. I figured out 1 3 and 4. They were actually embarrassingly easy. But I'm still having trouble making a breakable box. I know about env_Breakable but for some reason it keeps making the object invincible, like a regular wall.

alt Re: A few questions about the map editor...!

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He said invincible, not invisible.
Well make sure you set the 'material' for it. If it's at None or Nothing, then nothing will come out to prove that it's a breakable. If that's not the problem, then make sure the health isn't too high.
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