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English Which browser you are using?

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Poll Poll

Which browser you are using?

Only registered users are allowed to vote
IE (Internet Explorer) by Microsoft
7.55% (8)
Firefox by Mozilla
50.94% (54)
Opera by ???
10.38% (11)
Safari by Apple
1.89% (2)
Chrome by Google
27.36% (29)
1.89% (2)
106 votes cast

old Re: Which browser you are using?

User Off Offline

Well, it depends whether i am using Linux or Windows I use IE in windows but FireFox in Linux. Yeah. I mostly use Mozzila FireFox so i voted for that

old Re: Which browser you are using?

User Off Offline

FireFox is NOT slow, IE, Opra, and Safrie is slow as shit. But GoogleCrome and FireFox are the olny real good ones I've used both. But I prefer FireFox.

old Re: Which browser you are using?

User Off Offline

Safari is good because the looks area ll already there and the simplicity. Firefox Has everything you need.(btw there's a new firefox 4.0 comming real soon - beta's already out (beta 5 till now))

old Re: Which browser you are using?

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ActiveDragon has written
My compter is over 13 years old and I have no money to get a new one I'm still useing Windows XP Somehow I can still run stuff. "ActiveDragon"

If you are running a computer that is older than 13 years ( made before 1997 ) then it won;t be able to use Xp, it will be so laggy you wouldn;t be able to open notepad without waiting an hour for your mouse to move. Plus back then a 256megabtye hard drive would cost like 350 dollars and a goat, so Xp wouldn;t be able to sit on that kinda tiny hard drive. Plus then the supercomputers only had like 500mb-1gb of ram so ur average computer had less than 100mb of ram. Xp uses more than that when it's twidling its thumbs. My XP computer here is using a full 132mb+ of ram as i am typing this, so ur little computer either isnt 13 years old or doesnt exist.
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