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English EngiN33R's Space RPG Mod [OFFICIAL THREAD]

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old Re: EngiN33R's Space RPG Mod [OFFICIAL THREAD]

Night Till Death
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I have some more final good suggestions that can be usefull :

Overheat for weapons - So ships cant just spamshoot all over space

Player flight skills - With each KILL or long flight the player gains exp from that & gets better at it...

Oxygen Container - A ship cant do long in space without oxygen... it has to gain it just like a submarine underwhater - The ship should return to any base to gain oxygen

Fuel Containers - Upgradable : Very usefull - No ship can fly around forever in space... or CAN it? It should be an upgradable by money container - The more fuel the more you fly - Also a function when you run out of fuel - A party member or mothership should be able to help you gain fuel - Or a critical teleportation function to teleport you at the starting point with 50% fuel returnd back to the ship

Power Generator - Only for Constructor ships for more realism - The constructor ships so be using much power in order to *Ahem* Construct

Cargo Bay - Not only used for transporting cargo but also other stuff like : Money,Weapons,Fuel, Other ships (ONLY FOR MOTHERSHIP - Slows down when has a ship on board)

Locator - A simple Function wich shows the ships location in positions - Hud should show were the Main base,Fueling,Repair,Cargo stations are

Reputation Upgrade - Everyone should have a reputation from A Classes to the low Backstabbing b*star*ds that shoot everyone without a warning - for killing such ships you gain a good ammoung of $$$

Special Bases - That players can be able to buy for parties or just for them selves (I can update my map for that if you accept) - Each station will be able to have its own repair & refueling bays

Transportation - I can understand that every player has a ship on start - But what would he do if he does not have one or losses it in some battle - Thats where other party ships can transport players & share the same ship for other players (Nah stupid idea at some point) (Scratch that :P)

Damage Indicator - I understand thats what the Shield is for - But this can be an option when a player runs out of shield energy his ship gains MORE damage - The damage indicator is shown on the HUD under the shield - When it reaches 60/70% the ship sends a warning message to the pilot to warn him that the ship is going to expload if takes more damage

Heat Indicator - Mainly used for the sun (If you will accept it) When a player gets too close to the sun it starts to rise from 0% When it reaches like 60/75% The shield starts to get damaged - When it reaches 100% the ship exploads from heat...

WDS - Weapon Disable System - Disables weapons for other ship for 15 tiles (Including your own) No ship will be able to shoot while in the radius

Hacking - A simple system for mothership to hack into enemy ships & steal 25%,30%,50% of their money... (upgradable - The more upgraded the more funds get stolen)

Mothership Orders - The mothership can assing other ships what to do - For Example : Mothership orders another ally ship to kill an enemy ship(s) - Wich then rises the rank for the ship. It can also controlls parties & gives out orders when to attack or when to not...

Radioation Indicator - An indicator hud under the Damage/Heat/Shield - Self Explanatory - If the ship is under high waves of radioation it gets damaged same as the heat indicator : Aslo good for cargo transport - For example the ship cant take 300 tons of radioation without getting damaged - it must take a specific ammount like 10/20t - If it goes over the limit - the ship gains damage & will need repairs
Also when the ship transports radioationg & gets damaged or the shield goes out - It automaticly gets damaged by radioation!

More sfx for the mod - I recommend the HL1 suit sounds
(I can send you them :P)

Thats all i came up with - hope you like it

old idea

User Off Offline

You know where its Says Money,Armour,Shield Well
Can you put a Hud Box There?

Btw i love the idea of It!

And there should be a power system like

when you are driveing your ship you have 100% power
but in like 10min-20mins you go down 25% and you can go to the shop to buy more power i hope you like the idea

put a save button for admins/moderators and make a admin script i rly like the mod
edited 3×, last 11.11.11 06:42:10 am

old +1

Reviewer Off Offline

I can't wait to test it!
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