So here's my last thread and post to
I need: 24/7 server Europe/Asian hosting Script supporting
Many of you will say something like: Go to oxy2d, they can host very good for low price but I have 1 problem, I can't register there and do something. So please help me
Many of you will say something like: Go to oxy2d, they can host very good for low price but I have 1 problem, I can't register there and do something. So please help me
If you're trying to get a free 24/7 server.
Sadly , there are no free hosting services.
Did you even read what he wrote ? He would buy a server but the only one he knows about is oxy2d and it's undergoing development or something right now that's why he's asking if there are any other servers which satisfy his criteria.
Beware, there are a lot of assholes on Unrealsoftware, telling you they will host servers for you but will only take your money. Be careful.
Oh really? , I don't host servers.
I know a friend who do host game servers with low prices.
Also , It's his choice I'm not pushing him.
P.S : There are to many kids in Some bans for each one would be better.
H-X: Well , I know many guys here , we talk we help our selves but we aren't friends.
Also , having a net friend is stupid. Chingy: Low quality? it's crashboy's host. The second best host after Oxy2D.
@ Xirot: I believe something is wrong with your brain. Guess the doctor throwed you three times into the air but caught you only two times. What ever, I don't want to talk about it since this is going offtopic.
Duh ? Get dedicated and get a free freaking server dude !
MapperX One has written
Anyway I can't see solution of this problem,
This is the brainless solution , how do you became so stupipidy this days ? The solution is best , just not what you wanted (24/7 , european hosting , etc .. too many shits ) .