Reload / weapon switch spam server vulnerability
Tile blending with top right tile was erroneous
Tile rotation context menu options did not work
mp_smokeblock setting wasn't sent to new joining players properly
Light engine crash during initialization (while loading map, thanks to BlazingNote)
Colortag © was STILL allowed in chat messages
Inconsistent duplicate lines in translation files leading to errors (will be set to equal values)
Env_Light entity state did not get reset properly on map/round restart
Lua command entitylist returned a list of all entities for entity type 0 instead of just T spawns
Wrong server name was displayed at some places (e.g. F1 server info window)
Image hitzones (Command imagehitzone) weakened shots which was an unintended behavior
hudtxtcolorfade / hudtxtalphafade / hudtxtmove animations were always visible to all players
Lua image tweens have not been sent to players who joined after they have been started
Lua command inentityzone made the game crash in some cases
Lua command closeitems did not list all items in some cases
Bots sometimes ignored valuable items (caused by the bug in the closeitems Lua command)
Bots STILL ignored radio commands
Some lag compensation bugs
Improved logging performance (log files are updated in batches of 50 lines - see: logbatch)
Consecutively equal log lines are bundled in log files
Number of lines cached in console reduced from 500 to 250
You can now blend all tiles with the tile blending tool and not just walkable tiles
hitzone hook has been extended with a damage parameter and an optional return value (new damage)
kill, die and hit Lua hooks now use weapon type 239 for damage/kills inflicted by entities
Lua command closeitems lists closest items first (approximation, no exact distance sorting)
Command connect (connect to a server with specified ip:port and optionally a password)
Command setammo (set ammo values for a certain weapon/item)
Command mp_hovertext (control which stuff shows text when hovered)
Command logbatch (control log batch behavior, batches of 50 lines by default)
Command mp_lagcompensationdivisor (lag compensation fine tuning)
Commandline parameter -pw / -password can be used in combination with -j / -join to join a server
Editor shows tile modes and tile blending/modifiers when pressing space
You get flashed when the player you are spectating gets flashed
Flashed players have a small eye icon on their head in spectator mode
Link button in "more"-tabs (options/server) to open online reference for selected setting
Shadow background for HUD progress bar (reload/plant/defuse) to increase visibility