
Also it would be nice if the "+" character was allowed, to be able to use the format "" which currently gives an error:

edited 1×, last 04.06.23 02:42:58 pm
It maybe still works with other mail providers.
Edit: I updated the DNS settings of I hope mails should work again within the next 48 hours.
edited 1×, last 04.06.23 04:41:48 pm

(although still without the "+" which would be the cherry on top

edited 1×, last 05.06.23 06:27:53 pm
That "+" stuff allows to use arbitrary aliases, right? That's actually somewhat problematic because it would make it easier to create spam/multi accs with just one registered mail. I coule add logic to prevent that though... will consider it.

indexof('@')and compare the remaining string against existing email addresses, no?
Also gmail allows putting optional dots anywhere before the '@' so "" is the same as "" or "", etc. so you'd need to check against the base version where you remove all dots except the last one at ".com".
From the user side it has the advantage of being able to specify a custom suffix per website and if you manage to do it everywhere you're able to check for spam easier (if the spammer removed the suffix, since it should be a pretty well-known feature on gmail) or check which website leaked/sold your data (if the suffix was not removed).


I'm aware how useful this would be. I'm actually doing the same thing just with a catchall mail where I can put everything I want in front of the @.

Happened twice now.
"Data" section > under "Forum Posts" there is a misspelling: "Relpies"


$is not defined.
2. "github" in profile is written in all lowercase. Should it be "GitHub"?
3. In the main page, the background image gets larger when expanding more/spoiler tags. Not sure if this is intentional or not.
4. While editing this post, after pressing "Submit", it says "Back to the thread 'Edit'" instead of the actual thread name.
edited 2×, last 17.12.23 04:56:18 am

1. I'm aware of this one. Will be fixed soon.
2. You're right! Changed to "GitHub"

3. That shouldn't happen. background-attachment is set to fixed so it should only resize if the browser window size is changed. Which browser are you using?
4. Uhh! Thanks, fixed!


- Links in signatures should be opened in blank page.