
I'm sorry to repeat this but please
smn, upload your images somewhere else, I'm begging you. I need to see those beautiful maps!

dunno if this works, i always use imgur xd

I think the details are quite important because the map looks way too clean without them! They are a huge improvement in my opinion! Great work!
Oh. Okay then.

Thank you for the image. Great details!
Basically, just wait and see, it's going to be fresh and clean when it's released.
Final version of CS2D deserves some refreshment, doesn't it?
I loved those details on dust2. Good job, mate!
I'd like too see a blue truck instead of the blue container and some semi-transparent ceiling over the "new box" on bombsite B ^.^



I just had a dream with a cs2d with new gfx and map tiles, it was so good (wow first time i dream with cs2d)
I believe it's time to update many maps and skins, i dont remember the last change on a default gfx of like knife for example, some maps like de_dust need a GFX replacement, i have been playing Cs2D for nine years and i still play the same old and ugly map because yes, it gather players but even a modified version of it gather players, the problem is that several server hosters are lazy to search maps and put them etc.
There are many good mappers in this game, you could ask @

Into a more similar default de_aztec.
And what matters if from 6 mb it becomes 10 or 15 mb? ITS SUPER LOW SIZE, so much people doesnt mind downloading GBs for a good game.
Edit: and ctf_fortress...

As always, feel free to leave your thoughts.
smn is small.