
Edit: Are you talking about the part of the mods being able to overwrite sounds/skins and that stuff? I thought that the server sent that content to the client and afterwards the client loads it.
We didn't consider this when adding the mod support but we'll find a way to solve it. Maybe by extending

* "I went to the forum and I downloaded a mod for CS2D, I installed it on my client. I joined a public server and I can see the mod working and it's content."
* "I went to the forum and I downloaded a mod for CS2D, I installed it on my server. The clients joined to my server and they were able to see the mod working and it's content."
But I'm not really sure of which are you referring to, I've been doing few tests with the mods feature and the only thing I tested was the Lua feature. Considering the fact that Lua scripts only run server-side I got that the mods are only server-sided, and that the content of the mod is sent to the client at the time that the client joins.
@Any developer: could you correct me if I'm wrong?

Stuff like that, really.


As for what I think about going back - I think the modding system as featured in is a step forward, and with the changes outlined above will become a simpler and more functional replacement for the old way.

Also dont forget to:

Marcell: Well, I tried to. But when I replace my own music with menu's and launch my cs2d - Menu music doesnt play. What do I need to do that?

The file format needs to be .ogg

Marcell: Well, I tried to. But when I replace my own music with menu's and launch my cs2d - Menu music doesnt play. What do I need to do that?

Use this to convert your format to ogg.