I look forward to checking out the new version when it's available for Linux.

I look forward to checking out the new version when it's available for Linux.

I came across a new bug.
When I start a server and activate recoil influences accuracy while the server is running, you can suddently fire weapons faster but accuracy isn´t changing.
When I start a server and activate recoil influences accuracy while the server is running, you can suddently fire weapons faster but accuracy isn´t changing.
Server is now using 2 weapon config files, if you are changing recoil in-game, at the moment new recoil file is not updated, server restart is needed. I think I should disallow changing recoil in-game.
Also about OpenGL issue with options. Try not using bat files, you can change resolution and window mode in options. I'll fix issue with bat file though.
edited 1×, last 19.07.17 11:29:39 am
edited 1×, last 20.07.17 01:42:05 am

In general this is not a pre-release related thing. If you have problems with this behavior please make a thread and explain it in detail.
Also I noticed some bugs(?) in this version:

BTW Please add freelock for spectators in "own team only" mode, we won't annoy you with the new spectator mode anymore:)

Even now you can go spectator and see where everyone is on the map.
So? What's your point?

Anyway it shouldn't be a problem since we can lock teams or add punishes for players who switch teams during mixmatch.
Or we can keep it how it currently is in the pre-release by preventing it all together. Then it turns from "shouldn't be a problem" to no problem.
Players who want to record/stream matches needs this feature. If I remember correctly in 2009(?) specators had freelock in own team only mode. Why this was changed?

Players who want to record/stream matches needs this feature.
Why didn't you start with this as your first argument? This is indeed a problem.
No one can read minds, be very specific when it comes to arguments against implemented features. Features are implemented for a reason and need valid reasons against them for it to change.


edited 1×, last 22.07.17 12:49:40 pm