
Is there no option to mute other players' voices? That's absolutely critical for any voice chat system. Wether it's a cutom menu like with voting, or it's attached to the scoreboard, there needs to be a way to easily mute ppl for your client only.
I'd highly recommend what other games do, add a speaker icon to the scoreboard for those who are transmitting voice data, and clicking that icon changes it to a muted icon, and you no longer hear them. This would be the most intuitive approach for new players.

If everyone is muted by default, how do you unmute them while playing? How do you know who to unmute and who not to, if that's even possible. And why would you want everyone to disregard the voice system entirely just to avoid the trolls?
Voice chat is great and should be encouraged. But bad apples will spoil the bunch if you can't sort them out.
Edit: If we could at least get a hud display or icon on the scoreboard when someone is transmitting voice, that would at least let players know who to vote kick.

First, there is a totally new voice chat message system. You do see who is talking and when you press on the message with right mouse click you mute/unmute them. You also see icons above the player.
also I do not add every small detail I implement in the changelog, it would be spammed with lots of lines.
I just added "[Added] Voice Chat"
Also I would prefer having steam profile icons.
edited 2×, last 25.07.17 02:10:17 am

I'd love to try the new version, but I'll have to wait for a Linux release.

Those two maps are filled with decals and images. They really have way more details than other maps.

If i'm alone in the server it get 60fps but the mouse movements get slow (I mean the aiming movement) so its hard to play. If i put 1 or 2 bots, the fps drop to 55/52
I guess, if you do not have much money, you could at least upgrade to an i5 cpu, and 4 gb or even 8 gb ram, that would increase your computer's performance drastically.
Well if you are using laptop than simply buy a better one, this one isn't really for true gaming - except CS2D on low settings.
I've also experienced this lag on my older machine as well (which used to run CS2D, ugh, decently)

Removing decals and replacing them to the tileset might improve. Whenever I use a lot of decals or any entities, the performance of the game is dropping - no that much matter what your CPU/GPU is. So if you guys decrease the amount of entity in the map, it means you'll also get faster gameplay.
Another solution would be adding a setting that disables the decals or any entity that is for visual. Here you go.
You are looking from the wrong perspective.