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Englisch Your favo(u)rite English accent

25 Antworten
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What is your favo(u)rite English accent?

Nur registrierte Benutzer können abstimmen
Standard/Queen's English (Received Pronunciation)
1,96% (1)
British/English English (UK, England)
29,41% (15)
Scottish English (UK, Scotland)
9,80% (5)
Irish English (UK, Ireland)
3,92% (2)
Welsh English (UK, Wales)
1,96% (1)
Cockney English (UK, mostly England)
1,96% (1)
General/North American English (US; Canada)
19,61% (10)
Southern American English (US - MD, KY, TX et al.)
3,92% (2)
Northern American English (US - NY, NJ, MA et al.)
3,92% (2)
General Australian English (Australia, urban)
1,96% (1)
Broad Australian English (Australia, rural)
7,84% (4)
Pidgin English (Everywhere as adopted/second)
3,92% (2)
Other (Please specify below)
9,80% (5)
51 Stimmen abgegeben

alt Umfrage Your favo(u)rite English accent

Moderator Off Offline

Well, I spent a lot of time composing this poll and here it finally is.

If you were to choose what English accent you like most, which would you pick? I did not cover the non-native accents (except for the general Pidgin), so if you like any of those - choose Other and specify which one.

I also wrote where the accents are used mostly, I might have written something wrong - excuse me.

I think I was a little bit too detailed on this because I'm quite sure many people wouldn't distinguish, say, General American and Northern American, but hey - detailed is always better. Almost always. It may be too complicated and difficult for some people too - if you feel your head increasing in size from inside, stop reading and move on to other threads.

I personally choose Queen's.

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alt Re: Your favo(u)rite English accent

User Off Offline

I voted for General Australian English (Australia, urban), probably since i'm from Australia. I guess it sounds better than most other accents though.

alt Re: Your favo(u)rite English accent

User Off Offline

Irish English

3/4 points to Being From Ireland, 1/4 points to the fact that i've never seen anyone in Ireland speaking like they had a metal rod down their throat

alt Re: Your favo(u)rite English accent

User Off Offline

I like the British accent and I mostly write in British English, like "favourite" or "colours". Sometimes I mix it up with some American expressions, like "Wanna see some colours?", creating a new type of English.

alt Re: Your favo(u)rite English accent

User Off Offline

I fucking live 10 minutes from Hatfield :S (The link's video's setting) I have the same accent :P. Sounded normal to me.
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