

User Off Offline

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id-ID 23696
Mode User
Registration 06.09.10 11:34 am
Language - not set -
Country TW - Taiwan, Province of China TW - Taiwan, Province of China
Old Names
  • till 16.01.14 NalrockeR
  • till 23.08.14 TrollSinged
  • till 03.08.16 UnstoppableTroll
  • till 21.04.17 OtakuNEET
  • till 16.02.19 Kolayaki
  • till 30.06.20 404_Monk


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Days registeredyes 5,072 (13 years)
Latest Visit yes 2 Years ago (14.09.22 07:25 pm)
Latest Post yes 2 Years ago (26.06.22 01:09 am)
Latest online Game yes 3 Years ago (13.06.21 08:15 pm)

Forum Posts post 79 (Ø 0.02 per day)
- Replies post 72 (91.14%)
- Threadspost 7 (8.86%)

File Comments comment 37 (Ø 0.01 per day)
- liked files like 8 (Ø 0.00 per day, 21.62%)

Uploads file 0 (Ø 0.00 per day)

Messages message 3 (Ø 0.00 per day)
- In-Box: message 2 (Ø 0.00 per day)
- Sent: message 1 (Ø 0.00 per day)