Shows a current amount of players' money Shows a rifle carried by player Marks player with a bomb Does NOT lag server Useful for tournaments All notifications disappear after a freezetime
Extract all files to a root folder of CS2D ../sys/lua/autorun/show_money.lua
@ cs2d_is_a_Gem: Would you mind explain WHAT does not work? It is so easy for you to reply with just "it does not work" without telling what exactly doesn't.
@ Gaios: At the very least, compatibility for every screen resolution even with mp_hudscale set at 0, especially since the standard resolution is 850x480 now and all the HUD texts are dislocated unless people do changes themselves.
Useful.But why players shadows can be seen in the fog?(same as weapons).
Btw,you shouldnt use the circle shadows for players,weapons.Use their own sprite.