Hold left shift to summon bat
Hit player beside you
Get the rainbow bat with randomly
Reach purple bat to kill player
We sorry if there is bug & glitches
We will fix it
Thanks for using our script!
-Cooldown fix

-Hostbat added

-Owner server

-Player bounce

Press Y then Type this
/lua rbw(player) <-- thats making the player have rainbow bat permanently
/lua norbw(player) <-- removing rainbow bat but not permanently
/lua rbwa() <-- giving everyone rainbow bat if he exists
/lua norbwa() <-- removing rainbow bat everyone
/lua kick(player,reason) <-- kicking player from server with reason
/lua kill(player,reason) <-- killing player and massage
/lua hostbat[player]=
1 = you will get hostbat permanently and its covering rainbow bat
0 = hostbat will removed
For updates please comment bellow

edited 2×, last 26.09.20 06:07:44 pm
Approved by Sparty
258 kb, 510 Downloads