dm_arena (4 maps pack)Obey138 User Offline 25.08.10 05:38:50 pm Here it is My map pack, with mine maps dm_arena Dust tiles Very simple Lots of boxes dm_arena2 Norm tiles Very simple dm_arena3 Norm tiles Very simple Big 2 versions: Normal With bomb spot in center edited 1×, last 25.08.10 05:39:53 pm Approved by GeoB99 (01.01.24 11:46 pm) Download 3 kb, 375 Downloads
Vectarrio User Offline 10.11.10 01:03:08 pm @fps_css I'd say it's spam and unfair rating cus it is good map pack! I like it!
Obey138 User Offline 10.11.10 07:54:57 am My comments are secured by copyright. If you want to use it, you need my permission.