Map editor support: You can make your own maps for this DROD to CS2D mod. The lua had his own tileset to make the maps easy and quickly (with an exception of the doors and orbs, detailed explication inside the file)
You can also make a continuous map like the King Harlaus's Dungeon by just adding a VIP, an escape and the name of the map ending in "Floor X" (X= number of the floor), the script automatically change the maps between floors once the VIP escapes

Zombie mode support: the zombies will be Goblins, a swordless creature, his only attack is the melee attack (Use key, default E), also, if a Stalwart (CT) die in any way (killed by a goblin, killed by a teammate or killing himself) it will become a Goblin (zombie)

Slayers: if you use the Standard mode, you are on the Guards (T) team and there are 2 or more Stalwarts (CTs), you have the chance to spawn like a Slayer (it's random generated), this character has a different look, it will have a hook instead of a sword (but it works like the sword), and the most important ability, it can use the melee attack.

Monsters: the Tar baby is now available to use in the map editor, instructions of creation inside the file

Sounds from the original DROD, and a colorsmoke simulating blood

Clock: there is a clock in the radar screen, it counts from 0 to 30 turns, when it reach 30, it resets and new monsters will spawn from the designed spawnpoints.

3 possible admin commands to set the Turn time seconds
timerlow (set timer in 10 seconds, default option)
timermed (set timer in 15 seconds)
timerhigh (set timer in 20 seconds)

Tile information, clicking on a tile while playing reveals some information about the tile like coordinates, what is in it, and (if given the case) what living thing is there

Bots support: if noone joins your server to play, then you could give the bots a try, they aren't smart, but they can be a trouble in numbers
Modifying the bots dificulty also modifies their behavior
Right now, in normal or higher, they will kill you if you give them the chance