
> > Carnage Contest > Maps > Flying Battery zone (+music)
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English Flying Battery zone (+music) >

2 comments511 kb, 381 Downloads

old Flying Battery zone (+music)

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Okay, there is Flying Battery zone from Sonic & Knuckles.
Took about 30 minutes to edit map ripped by WKSchraff.
And about 10 to edit sound and write a script.
Copyrights of this level and music goes to Sega team.

This map is small and abridged version of original one, because it was HUGE.
I bet it is first uploaded map which have it own OST. Yes, it have, just select gamemode which included into archive.

There is currently one bug: music dont stop after game ended. Sorry for that, but i dont have any idea how fix this.
edited 2×, last 24.09.11 10:11:49 pm
Approved by DC

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511 kb, 381 Downloads


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7 dl's and only 1 comment. CC is popular nowadays, lol.


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Awesome work, man! You first, who maked map for CC with music! >:D
I like it!
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