### Beta - 11.11.2009
Bug with commands which accepted a name AND id of a player
Dropped weapon when attempting to buy outside buyzone
Wrong rate of fire calculation (/2)
Env_Object did not work everywhere on the map
de_dust2 bomb explosion range was too large
Removed unused env_sound from de_aztec
Floor behavior Func_DynWall entities were invisible sometimes
Some server only commands SEEMED to work for clients as well
Infinite ammo icon flashed when bomb was planted
Dedicated servers attempted to play sv_sound(2) locally as well
It was still possible to use "invisible" nicks with special chars
Screenshot function did only work properly at 640x480
Screenshots from menu were called "_XXXXX.XXX" now "menu_XXXXX.XXX"
Minimap creation caused the game to crash with certain maps
Console: Params consisting of more than one word were displayed wrong
Dead players and spectators were not able to chat with each other
Some bomb defusing bugs
Bug in bind system (binds were attached instead of replaced)
All binds outside controls.cfg were removed when using options menu
Lua hook "spray" did not work
Severlist sometimes showed "Add to Favorites" for added servers
Improved weapon selection HUD (visualized number of items in slot)
AK47/M4A1 are more balanced/equal now
SG552/Aug damage increased
Scout/AWP unzoomed damage increased
Highly improved particle and effect performance on large maps
Extended command line parsing (see Readme.txt for details)
Zombies don't get gut bombs on spawn anymore
Dropped weapons don't disappear in Zombies! mode
Not allowed to change team on roundstart in Zombies! mode
sv_maxclientsip default value is now 5
Improved rcon/mp_maxrconfails warning messages
Walls become neutral if not killed when player leaves/changes teams
Bomb blinks on radar (T only) when it is planted
"Copy Address" replaced with "Copy Address" and "Copy Name+Address"
"Copy Address" removed from Linux/Mac version (didn't work anyway)
Moved action messages (join,leave,...) so they don't obscure radar
hudtxt/hudtxt2 message limit increased from 10 to 50
Enhanced Speedhack detection (mp_antispeeder)
Improved serverlist loading performance
Highly improved stats/rank performance
Console now only holds/displays the latest 500 output lines
Enhanced logging performance
transfer_delay and transfer_size removed (now transfer_speed)
Improved file transfer
Command exec now automatically prepends sys-directory if necessary
Command spawnplayer doesn't allow to spawn spectators anymore
Lua move-hook walk-parameter is now integer instead of boolean
Game loads recent serverlist locally in case of U.S.G.N. downtimes
Wooden floor tiles
More hostage styles are available
Skip briefing/server info with space (cmd "specplayer")
Clicking X in a Lua menu will now also emit a Lua menu event
Remote control panel (rightclick a server in serverlist)
Weapon images in death notices (optional with game setting)
A lot of additional Env_Decal images
Portal Gun: You can now close your portals with reload-key
You can now upgrade barricades to walls (fast and cheap!)
Wildcards (*) for IP bans (e.g. banip 192.168.*.*)
Server net message flood-attack protection
U.S.G.N. info screen if U.S.G.N. connection failed
Download files option (control what files you want to download)
List of files server will send to clients (sys/servertransfer.lst)
Lua menus can now be invisible and bigger (@i or @b in title string)
You can now add custom images to map/HUD with Lua commands
Command mp_zombiekillequip (disable the gut bomb stuff etc.)
Command mp_floodprot (enable/disable flood-attack protection)
Command mp_autogamemode (auto. switch game mode on mapchange)
Command deathnoticeimg (death notices with images or not)
Command reconnect/retry (reconnect to last joined server)
Command entities (list all entities, as server only)
Command unban (remove a certain ban)
Command listbans (list all bans, as server only)
Command menu_red (influence menu color)
Command menu_green (influence menu color)
Command menu_blue (influence menu color)
Command menu_svreqdelay (serverlist info request delays)
Command transfer_speed (server file upload speed in kb/sec)
Command download (download files option)
Command flashplayer id intensity (flash one or all players)
Command flashposition x y intensity (flash players close to pos)
Command effect type x y p1 p2 r g b (create an effect)
Lua Command tile x y value (return tile values) [edit:

doesn't work]
Lua Hook flagtake (when taking a flag)
Lua Hook flagcapture (when capturing a flag)
Lua Hook dominate (when dominating a domination point)
Lua Hook bombplant (when planting bomb) [edit:

doesn't work]
Lua Hook bombdefuse (when defusing bomb)
Lua Hook bombexplode (when bomb explodes)
Lua Hook break (when breaking a breakable entity)
Lua Hook usebutton (when using a button)
Lua Hook vipescape (when the VIP escapes)
Lua Hook hostagerescue (when hostage enters rescue zone)
Lua Hook movetile (when a player reaches a new tile)
Lua Command timer time function [param] [count] (create timer)
Lua Command freetimer [function] [param] (free timer)
Lua Command image path x y mode (create dynamic image)
Lua Command imagecolor id red green blue (change image color)
Lua Command imagealpha id alpha (change image alpha)
Lua Command imageblend id blend (change image blend mode)
Lua Command imagescale id xscale yscale (change image size)
Lua Command imagepos id x y rotation (change image position)
Lua Command freeimage id (free dynamic image)